Riverstone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

The Riverstone which is regarded as little brother of the Gold River, is a synthetic stone. Its intense color and extraordinary drawing make it one of the most popular gems.

An infinite number of glitter particles decorate him, not only in daylight they shine tirelessly to the bet.

But not only as a jewel, the Riverstone is considered prominent.

He is also used as a healing stone. It may well be that you, after reading this article, have also asked yourself how you could manage without Riverstone. Do not you think? Here comes the proof.

The Riverstone is made in China. It consists of silicon, oxygen and copper. In the real sense, the Riverstone is therefore not a gem, but a synthetically produced glass block. But that does not detract from its beauty. Incidentally, he gets his glitter from tiny little copper particles that are processed into the stone.

Since the Riverstone is not a naturally occurring gemstone, the question of occurrence can not really be answered. But it is clear that we have to thank this sparkling Riverstone of good old craftsmanship.

In the 17th century, the Miotto family began producing the gemstone. The goal was to make a gemstone that was not known before. From the 19th century, the production of Riverstone spread to Bohemia and Bavaria.

In case of an unpleasant tonsillitis, the light Riverstonestone is a healing helper. It is supposed to free the respiratory tract and noticeably improve lung function. Especially for children, he is a proven healing stone for feverish colds and airway inflammation.

Symbolism and Meaning

Even Cleopatra appreciated the virtues and powers of lapis lazuli. Napoleon also always had this protection stone with him. Already 7000 years ago, people use the blue stone as gem stone and healing stone.

As a coveted commodity, he was often used for ornate objects. The ancient Egyptians used the gemstone as burial object. They revered him as holy. The Riverstonestone people said the divine power, security and the infinite life.

Therefore it was among other things with the Greeks, Romans and the Indians an important protection stone. They believed in the power of the stone and also referred to it as a heavenly stone. He should bring peace, wisdom and love.

Other cultures revered the gemstone as a stone of friendship that enhances self-confidence, promotes interpersonal relationships, and helps build true friendships. The mining of lapis lazuli dates back to antiquity.

In the course of metamorphic transformations from lime to marble, lapis lazuli is created. The minerals Afghanistan, dolomite, sulfur and tremolite are also very important here. The gem gets its blue color due to the sulfur radical anions.

Therefore, he is one of the mineral class of silicates. Inclusions of pyrite give the gem its golden shimmer. The stone is mined mainly in Afghanistan, where it plays a significant economic role.

Other sites of the Stone of the Kings are in California, Chile, Russia, Canada, Persia and Pakistan. As early as 3000 BC, rough stones, crystals and shaped and polished specimens were sold.

At that time, the Stone of the Kings was not only used for jewelery and works of art. It is also found to grind pigments for colors. A pure, high quality gemstone is deep blue and therefore expensive and valuable.

Therefore, there are also many fakes and manipulations. For example, pale stones are often oiled or waxed to give them a darker color. Small pieces and fragments are reconstructed with resin to larger stones.

Also, blue-colored jasper is often sold as valuable lapis lazuli. Its appearance makes it easily confusable with sodalite, azurite, Dumortierite or Nosean.

General Properties

Lapis lazuli is a solid and naturally occurring, microscopically heterogeneous combination of minerals. The blue-brilliant mineral mixture consists of different proportions of minerals such as lasurite, calcite, pyrite, as well as diopside or sodalite. That’s why in many places it is a rock.

The stone crystallizes cubically, with the crystals being very rarely visible to the naked eye. Like many gemstones, it is often worn as a jewel, but is also available as a rough stone or a tumbled stone.

Especially because of its beautiful blue color, it is often used for necklaces or rings and is supposed to bring good fortune and healing effects to people. The kings already appreciated that thousands of years ago.

Love and Relationships

The Riverstone carries deep symbolism and it is not just a beautiful stone to have around your neck or wrist. This gorgeous stone will be helpful in all situations that require intuition and hope.

Rely on your inner insticts and you will certainly receive an answer.

Health Benefits

Although the Riverstone is not a naturally grown gemstone, it is in no way inferior to its natural relatives. For he also hides a multitude of healing powers which he gives to people when worn on the body.

Almost the Riverstone reminds of a starry sky. One loses all too easily in this gem, somehow it has a magical effect on us humans. But he can do much more than enchant us with his optical charms. The true magic powers lurk inside the stone. Physically, the Riverstone helps its wearer in eating disorders of various kinds.

The Riverstone has a positive effect on our innermost being and brings it back to order in our biological household. If you are currently on a diet, it can prevent your hunger. If you feel cravings in between, take your Riverstone in the hand and knead it for a few minutes through. You’ll see, soon after, hunger is no longer an issue. It also activates your immune system and supports you in a variety of psychosomatic disorders.

The Riverstone is a true philanthropist. He helps you to accept you as you are. If someone else tries to fool you, he warns you. It strengthens your self-confidence and revives your spirits. All you have to do is always carry it with you.

You can wear the Riverstone in your pocket or carry it with you as a keychain. If you want to positively influence a certain organ, it is best to apply the healing stone directly to the skin. The Riverstone can be worn continuously, but should now and then be charged and recharged.

Riverstone and Wealth

The Riverstone is a great booster of energy and this stone is valuable in more ways than one. When you carry the Riverstone around your neck or around your wrist, you can be sure that you are going to receive much more energy and power, no matter how strongly you believe in its healing abilities.

The Riverstone is a precious gem that can be helpful when you have major business meetings ahead of you.

Riverstone and Zodiac

The Riverstone is not assigned to a single zodiac sign. His powers are as intense as any star sign, therefore any Zodiac sign can wear it and feel its power.

Riverstone and Chakras

As much as they fascinate us with their appearance, gemstones can do much more than just serve us as jewelry. Within you are powers that every wearer should use to make his everyday life easier and more balanced. You may have heard that gems are often assigned to certain star signs.

This is because certain stones emphasize the good qualities of a single zodiac sign, but reduce the bad qualities.

The Riverstone is not assigned to any particular Zodiac, so it has the same positive effect on every Zodiac. The beautiful Riverstone is assigned to the 6th Chakra. This is the forehead chakra, which is also called 3rd eye. It lies exactly between the eyebrows and stands for: divine inspiration, clairvoyance, intuition and clarity

How to Purify Riverstone

The energetic charging and discharging of the Riverstone avoids that it loses its color intensity but also its powers. If your Riverstone has lost its energy, you’ll notice that it looks paler and a bit brittle.

Do not worry, it’s a breeze to bring your gem back to life. Put it in a bowl filled with loading and unloading stones. Especially good for this: hematite, amethyst and rock crystal.

The best thing is to leave your Riverstone overnight in the crystals, the next morning it shines like new and full of power. Your lucky stone should not be cleaned with water, also cleaning agents must be avoided.

Gems also love the soft morning sun, while bright sunlight is harmful to them.


Although the Riverstone is not a naturally grown gemstone, it is in no way inferior to its natural relatives.

For he also hides a multitude of healing powers which he gives to people when worn on the body.

Almost the Riverstone reminds of a starry sky. One loses all too easily in this gem, somehow it has a magical effect on us humans. But he can do much more than enchant us with his optical charms. The true magic powers lurk inside the stone.

Physically, the Riverstone helps its wearer in eating disorders of various kinds. Carry this stone and believe in its powers if you truly want to see changes in your energy flow.

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