Scapolite Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

The name scapolite refers to the appearance of its long prismatic, columnar crystals (Greek skapos = rod, lithos = stone). Scapolite is not a single mineral, but an isomorphic mixed set of aluminum skeletal silicates, whose terminal members are the calcium-containing mejonite and the sodium-containing marialite on the other side.

Natural scapolite reaches in its chemical composition at most 80% of these end members, but marialite and mejonite can be artificially produced.

Scapolite is a common mineral that can even be rock forming. It is produced by pneumatolytic processes in cavities of volcanic rocks, more commonly in metamorphic rocks by contact metasomatic action of magma on dolomite and limestone.

The eponymous, typically columnar crystals are striated. Scapolite also forms radiant, stalky aggregates or occurs in the form of rough, dense masses or individual grains in the rock. The color spectrum of the stones is wide-ranging, while the individual shades are always delicately formed with good transparency.

Some stones have a cat’s eye on cabochon cut. Scapolite is used since about 1930 as a gem stone.

Symbolism and Meaning

The scapolite is also known under the name Wernerit. It is mined in the areas of China, Canada, Madagascar and also parts of Tanzania. This rock crystal is often mistaken for quartz. Its color is yellow. Whereby one has already found scapolite in the colors pink and purple or even gray.

Scapolite name comes from the Greek and means stalk, stand for “skapos” and “lithos” for stone. This mineral is a crystal and is usually oblong prismatic so rod-shaped. He is brilliant. Scapolite could even be found in meteorites (chondrite). It has been described as a gem since 1930.

The scapolite helps with its healing effect especially on kidney and eye problems. Here he can certainly contribute to an improvement in vision, for example, the green star. He can also have a positive effect on convalescence.

He also has a mood-enhancing effect and he protects especially against foreign determination in any form.

The Scapolite is a rock crystal and can also be confused with the mineral Heliodor. He is life-affirming and at the same time he can evoke informality. The healing power is increased when you have direct skin contact, for example, in eye problems, here it can be placed directly on the eyes.

Gemstones or minerals in the form of a drumstone are particularly suitable for this purpose. These are very high quality processed and are uncomplicated to use.

The cat’s eye scapolite has a particularly beautiful appearance. The Scapolite is assigned to the star sign Taurus as a lucky stone. You can buy these gemstones in the form of tumbled stones and as rough stone.

General Properties

This gemstone was named in 1800 by dad Andrada after Scapolite. Its name is derived from the Greek “skapos” (in German: rod) and “lithos” (in German: stone) and refers to its crystal form. Scapolite is often cut in cabochon and can sometimes show the coveted cat’s eye effect. A special feature of Scapolite is its fluorescence in UV light. The Scapolite is one of the most important healing stones in the world.

An overview and description of the most important gemstones can be found in the article “Topical Healing Stones”. In our comprehensive gem encyclopedia, more than 400 healing stones are captured with images, which can be searched by color, origin, effect, meaning, zodiac sign, etc.

Scapolite makes it possible to break barriers and broaden the mental horizon. He cheers up, is optimistic and dissolves obsessions. In this way, Scapolite gives independence and inner peace. Should be regularly discharged under running water and charged with a rock crystal.

Scapolite is magmatic formed in pegmatite or by so-called contact metamorphism in schists. Due to its resistance, it is also found in soap deposits. Albite, apatite, beryl, columbite, fluorite, garnet, kyanite, muscovite, phenakite, quartz, spinel, staurolite, topaz or tourmaline is typical accompanying minerals of chrysoberyl.

The variety Alexandrite consists of aluminum, beryllium and chromium. The chrome content provides the typical color change in the light, which makes the stone so unique. The cat’s eye also consists of this mixture, but the effect of the cat’s eye is only visible in the cabochon cut.

Scapolite is a very rare mineral, but can occur in different localities. As of 2012, about 300 sites are known for chrysoberyl. These include Brazil (e.g. Minas Gerais, Bahia), India (e.g. Orissa), Sri Lanka (e.g. Ratnapura), Madagascar, Russia (e.g. Malysheva in the Urals) or Burma (Myanmar).

Also in Austria and in Switzerland as well as in the Czech Republic deposits are known. Other localities are Australia, Antarctica, Bulgaria, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Norway, Poland, in Zambia, in Sweden, in Spain, in South Africa in the USA and in the United Kingdom.

Love and Relationships

The Scapolite stone is going to help you realize your full potential and how much you are actually worth. If you have been feeling neglected in your relationship, then this stone might give you confidence to conquer the world and achieve success not just in romantic relationships but also in relationships in general.

Prepare to see the world in a completely different light. There is always a way to make your life better, you just have to want it.

Health Benefits

The mineral scapolite is not an independent mineral, but the name of a series of minerals of comparable chemical composition, chemical and physical properties. The mixed crystal series of the Scapolite includes the minerals. Scapolite is assigned to the classification of minerals according to the silicate minerals. The minerals dipyr and muzzonite are varieties of scapolite.

The color of scapolite is very variable. In its pure form, scapolite is transparent, colorless. As a result of admixtures of various elements, scapolite may be white, yellow, pink, purple, green, blue, gray or black in color – the color being photosensitive and prone to fading in prolonged exposure to sunlight. The stroke color is still white.

The minerals of the scapolite crystallize following the tetragonal crystal system and form long, columnar crystals whose crystal faces often have longitudinal grooves. The gloss of scapolite is glassy with translucent to translucent transparency. The break is mussel to brittle and uneven, the cleavage is perfect. The Mohs hardness of scapolite is 5.5 to 6 at a density of 2.50 to 2.78 g / cc.

Scapolite is a mineral found in the context of both magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Especially in granitic pegmatite, which were enriched by hot gas rising magmas, as well as metamorphic caused by contact metamorphism are Scapolite. Examples of corresponding rocks are gneiss, slate and marble.

The deposits of scapolite are accompanied by numerous other minerals, including, for example, calcite, tremolite, omphacite, serendibite, epidote, garnet, fluorite, vesuvianite, diopside, titanite, phlogopite, pyrite, poudretteite, feldspar and wollastonite.

Scapolite are common minerals worldwide; Noteworthy localities include Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Australia, Antarctica, Brazil, Chile, Peru and in the USA.

Although numerous scapolite occurrences are known, the amount of degradable crystals is low. Scapolite of good quality – high purity, strong color and large crystals – is especially used for jewelry. In addition, scapolite is sold as a healing stone, the effect of which is clinically not proven.

Scapolite Stone and Wealth

The Scapolite stone is a great stone to carry close to you when you are in important meetings and during valuable business opportunities.

This stone has been used as a lucky charm for centuries so there is no reason why you shouldn’t rely on its powerful strength.

Scapolite Stone and Zodiac

The cat’s eye scapolite has a particularly beautiful appearance. The Scapolite is assigned to the star sign Taurus as a lucky stone.

You can buy these gemstones in the form of tumbled stones and as rough stone.

Scapolite Stone and Chakras

The Scapolite stone is linked to the root chakra and it can help you clean your body and your mind from the negative energy.

Use this stone when you are feeling full of negative energy and when you are willing to see your life turn around.

How to Purify Scapolite Stone

Scapolite makes it possible to break barriers and broaden the mental horizon. He cheers up, is optimistic and dissolves obsessions. In this way, Scapolite gives independence and inner peace.

Should be regularly discharged under running water and charged with a rock crystal. When cleaning these precious gems, make sure you follow the instructions and never do more than you should.


Scapolite makes it possible to break barriers and broaden the mental horizon. He cheers up, is optimistic and dissolves obsessions. In this way, Scapolite gives independence and inner peace.

Should be regularly discharged under running water and charged with a rock crystal. If you are in need for what this powerful stone has to offer, then waste no time and start wearing it as soon as possible. You are going to feel much calmer and in peace in your own skin.

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