Taurus Birthstone

Astrology has a lot in common with the stone healing, as they are both based on the realization that everything is connected and related. A universal principle, laws that underlie our lives and the entire cosmos, can be expressed in many different forms.

So also in stars and stones. Here lies their attachment. Certain minerals and crystals have a tangible, often visible, energetic commonality with the properties of our traditional zodiacal signs, interacting with them and exerting a reinforcing or balancing and moderating effect on them.

But which stones can be assigned to which zodiac signs?

In the following, we present the zodiac signs with the matching decade and counter stones in an overview. For detailed explanations, you can use the link to the articles on the individual signs and their gems.

The assignments are based on the data of the tropical zodiac used for calculations in Western astrology. Explanations of our allocation system and the meaning of the decades can be found below.

Birthstone – Meaning

The birthstone is a natural stone that is closely related to a specific date of birth. The traditional birthstone is assigned to a birth month and a zodiac sign.

According to popular belief, the energies of the birthstone should activate the talents and strengths of its bearer and help guide negative forces out of its life. Birthstones are considered talismans and lucky charms that can be used as untreated rough stones for room decoration, gentle flattering on the move or elegant jewelry on a chain.

Since the late middle Ages, the birthstone is used as a lucky charm and decorative companion. Even gemstones have been in use for a long time and are worn as a talisman.

These gems are changed every month because, according to tradition, they bring certain energies and powers into their carrier’s life every month. This is about the harmonious energization throughout the year, because every season makes different demands on the people – the change should be a balanced spiritual and energetic development and balance possible.

The assignment of birth stones to zodiac signs or months during the year may differ. This variance arises from the difficult interpretation of ancient records, because the modern method of classifying the gems according to their mineral type has only been possible reliably since the last century.

Until then, different stones of the same color and with similar transparency and hardness were often combined under one name, so that it is hard to understand today which stone it was – for example, garnet and ruby ​​were called red carbuncle.

Emerald, garnet, amber or turquoise – the brilliant, sparkling or iridescent color variety of the birthstone ranges from red to green and yellow tones to various shades of blue. This beauty of natural stones has fascinated people of all cultures around the world for centuries.

From an early age, the colorful gems were considered symbols of power and have always stood for wealth. In addition, the precious finds were regarded as the innermost concept of eternity.

In various societies even healing powers are awarded to them – this applies among other things to the old-Indian Chakra teaching and the transcripts of originating from Rhineland-Palatinate scholar Hildegard of Bingen.

Taurus Zodiac Sign – Characteristics

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. This sign is ruled by Venus and it is a Feminine sign. Its element is the Earth, the quality is fixed. Its color is green; the lucky stone is the emerald and the lucky day is Friday. The astrological symbol of Taurus represents the head and horns of the stars that make up the constellation of Taurus. The Sun occupies, in the Tropical Zodiac, the degrees of Taurus, by approximation, from April 20th to May 20th.

Taurus is the first sign of an introverted, or female, style of the Zodiac. Taurus is a very methodical sign, which completes all the aims it sets itself. It is sometimes considered slow. In reality, in the Zodiac cycle, it is the sign that comes after Aries and that must therefore recover the forces wasted by Aries himself in his impetuosity. Its nature is therefore entirely dedicated to the preservation of food, affections and money.

Taurus is looking for a serene view of life, as opposed to the opposite Scorpio, which has a compelling, if not dramatic, vision of existence. Like the other signs of Earth, Taurus is an almost tireless worker. He does not disdain humble jobs and totally lacks exhibitionism. He does everything, however, without wasting any kind of energy. He likes to get the maximum result with minimum effort. He has a very strict concept of the superfluous, which can lead him to be considered a stingy person. In reality, Taurus has in mind the important things of existence and does not like waste.

Governed, like the sign of Libra, by Venus, Taurus has a great, very natural sensuality, which leads him to live amorous and erotic relationships with a rare spontaneity. This sensuality is also manifested in a love for craftsmanship and for beautiful things.

He enjoys excellent health because he is a sign very close to natural cycles. ! Anatomically, the sign of the Taurus corresponds to the lower part of the face: mouth, neck and throat. If an individual has planets afflicted in this sign, he will tend to cover these areas of the body with scarves and scarves. On the contrary, planets positively placed in the Taurus sign will bring intolerance towards any type of constriction to the throat, including the tie, for men. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is centered on everything that is prize.

Unlike the Aries love of gambling, the Taurus fighters love the prize of the game: “victory”. Think of physical pleasures and material goods, so those born under this sign find delicious excesses. They also have a marked tactility, which allows you to enjoy a soft, sometimes sensual touch.

The Taurus love the comforts and being surrounded by pleasant and relaxing things. Continuing on this trail, we can say that they prefer good food and refined wine. The “good life”, in all its aspects, is the paradise on earth for those born under the sign of Taurus, especially if they are artists (among the virtues we also include the artistic sense) or creators of their own fortune.

The Taurus (the animal) is the mascot of the Taurus and it is precisely its aspect that prefigures the character of these people: firm, stubborn, stubborn. The sign of Taurus is regulated by the Planet Venus, an adorable girl who has never denied anything to herself.

In ancient mythological Rome, Venus was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure, and the Taurus fighters absorbed almost everything they handed down to her. Those born under the sign of Taurus, are lovers of all that is beautiful, be it in their homes, in museums or on a stage. To the reader it may seem materialistic or blasphemous excesses in the excesses, but they are not really interested in a life in which beauty is lacking, as a standard of life, the unavoidable essence.

In spite of this, the Taurus fighters hope for a peaceful home life, including a companion and therefore a stable relationship; they give importance to harmony in their life as a couple, so they work hard to make their partner happy, to make them lack nothing, and, their propensity for the pleasure of the senses, cannot help but help them to maintain the relationship more to long over time.

But Taurus can also be the most poignant of sentimentalists. He can pay his obsessive attention to every change of partner, certainly trying to temper his possessive tendencies, tying them with a tight tie, otherwise the relationship would become unlivable.

At the end of the day, however, those born under the sign of Taurus become very romantic and loyal from the depths of the soul. No illusory hope for these people who are so concrete, practical, in short, with their feet firmly on the ground. They tend to take rather conservative positions and this is well observed by observing their behavior day after day. No unusual programs (such as air signs) or last minute (like FIRE marks).

The Tauruss prefer the opposite, take each day slowly and diligently, and work to reach their final end. On this line we can say that those born under the Taurus are happy to stick to their projects until they can bring them to a positive conclusion. They are exhausting patients and reliable from this point of view.

The only weak point of such a solid chain is the nuisance on duty who tries to scold a Taurus. These people usually keep calm and cool, but for a fairly short time. The EARTH, in this sign, thus tends to act as a balancing mechanism, so that any such situations can never get out of hand. For every person who considers being born under the Sign of Taurus as a punishment, there are two that would instead be happy to acquire their charms for some time.

Considering generally the strength and tenacity of the Taurus, one cannot be surprised if these people like to test their strength in the field of the game. Imagine finding them hired for a funny race of screams or mountain climbs. The excursions in the country then, are the favorites, until at least, they will not be buried by their beloved land.

Indoor sports are the most loved by the Taurus, which is why ballet and opera are the Achilles heel of this Sign. Finally, when he falls in love, Taurus becomes a romantic devotee and at times possessive, but their sensual nature will surely have a remedy, to erase some mistakes.

Taurus Birthstone – Meaning and Symbolism

The “classic” source of the Blue Sapphire is Ceylon (renamed Sri Lanka in 1972), the oldest mining mine.

According to current sources, the Sapphires from Sri Lanka were used from 480 to. C and it is said that King Solomon was courting the Queen of Sheba by paying her with Sri Lankan Sapphires, coming from gravel near the city of Ratnapura (“city of gems”, in Sinhalese).

All the stones have a strong appeal to nature not only because they are generated by it but also because of a peculiar link with the four elements assigned to them over the centuries by the studies of alchemy and magic. Air, Earth, Fire and Water determine the energetic nuances of these stones that intervene to compensate us emotionally and to give us support in a particular moment of this exciting journey that is our Life. The element Air concerns the sphere of communication and of the intellect, the stones that belong to this element act on thought, on reason, on knowledge and on freedom, memory and awareness.

The stones linked to the Earth element act on stability, resistance, money, success in business and fertility. The stones that are dominated by the Fire element interact on passion, courage, creativity, fertility, virility, desire, romance, strength and enthusiasm.

The element of Water is seen mainly as a vital source, source of everything, around us is represented by rivers, lakes, the sea, water in motion; within us from the blood flowing as well as from the sap for the plants. It corresponds to the world of emotions and for this reason it is connected to feelings and consequently water-related stones act on emotions, intuition, divination, healing, love, awareness and dreams.

The diamond has many incomparable qualities and is unique among the minerals. Nothing in nature is harder than the transparent crystal, which also has the densest atomic structure of all minerals. The brilliance of cut diamonds is outstanding and can only be achieved by a few other precious stones or artificial materials. The diamond is considered the most durable material and is not attacked by chemicals. This quality is also evident in his name, which derives from the Late Latin word “diamante”, which can be translated as “indomitable”.

The most sought-after diamonds are colorless. Different inclusions, however, can also make color variations possible, such as: white, yellow, brown, gray and black. Also colored speckles in colors like yellow, orange or brown are possible on colorless crystals. In contrast, speckles in red, pink, violet, blue or green are less common. In general, diamonds can be found in transparent to opaque. The brilliance of the diamond is based on the high refraction rate, which provides for internal reflections and can be enhanced by certain types of cut.

Under high pressure and high temperatures, the diamonds are formed in the mantle when carbon is present. In India, diamonds were found as early as the 4th millennium BC. Today, the largest sites for diamonds are mainly in Russia, Australia and Canada, but also in various African countries such as Angola and Botswana.

The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears of the gods or star splinters. The Greek philosopher Plato even wrote down that diamonds are living things with heavenly spirit. Jewish priests used the gemstone to find out if anyone spoke the truth. Kings, on the other hand, wore leather breastplates with diamonds on the battlefield to give them superhuman powers.

The diamond should transmit its strength to the wearer and thus strengthen self-confidence and willpower.

According to popular belief, he should be able to ward off fears and give courage. The legendary gemstone can create a clear view of your own self and ensure loyalty to it.

But also the loyalty, trust and love for others are strengthened by the transparent stone. The diamond is designed to free the mind and thus stimulate creativity and imagination.


Astrology has a lot in common with the stone healing, as they are both based on the realization that everything is connected and related. A universal principle, laws that underlie our lives and the entire cosmos, can be expressed in many different forms.

So also in stars and stones. Here lies their attachment. Certain minerals and crystals have a tangible, often visible, energetic commonality with the properties of our traditional zodiacal signs, interacting with them and exerting a reinforcing or balancing and moderating effect on them. But which stones can be assigned to which zodiac signs?

In the following, we present the zodiac signs with the matching decade and counter stones in an overview. For detailed explanations, you can use the link to the articles on the individual signs and their gems. The assignments are based on the data of the tropical zodiac used for calculations in Western astrology.

Hopefully this article was helpful and you were able to find birthstone associated with your Zodiac sign.

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