The Topaz is a gem that mobilizes energies, strengthens nerves and increases concentration. As jewels or flatterers the topaz helps healing stones in recognizing the big picture and the inner wealth. Health stones have been regarded as natural helpers for millennia, unfolding their mysterious powers in a gentle way. Certain rocks relieve pain, promote well-being and serve relaxation.
Topaz’s healing stones are also valued for their many positive qualities. The gemstone is a lucky charm that protects travelers from danger, balances emotions and supports self-realization.
Topaz, also known as Physalith or Tarnstone, is an island silicate, which is mainly produced on magmatic-acidic rock, but also in river sediments. Topazes form well-formed crystals with longitudinally striped prisms and wedge-shaped tips. By admixtures of minerals such as tourmaline and stoneware come multi-faceted colors that range from colorless to champagne, brownish and golden yellow to pink, pink, sky blue and water blue. Particularly intense colors indicate artificial irradiation. Sherry Topaz (yellow) and Imperial Topaz (orange) are considered the most precious varieties.
The most important mining area of the gems is Brazil. Other sources are in Japan, Pakistan, Mexico, Burma, the Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Russia and the USA. The blue topaz brings the star sign Aquarius and Sagittarius luck.
As a monthly stone, he helps November-born people to have a clear view of the dangers of life. In the field of stone healing the positive topaz effect is the strengthening of a positive attitude to life, the promotion of self-realization and the recognition of life goals.
Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism
In ancient Egypt, the topaz was the symbol of the sun god Ra. In Hindu mythology, the gemstone was also revered as a precious helper. Topazes appear in ancient Hindu scriptures as sacred stones of the mythical Kalpa tree. With the help of Topaz Healing Stones, people wanted to sharpen their minds and extend their lives. In Africa topazes served as supporters in various healing rituals.
The ancient Greeks and Romans saw in the precious gems a bond with Apollo, god of light, moral purity, the arts and prophecy. At the time of the Middle Ages, topazes also enjoyed great popularity in Germany as majestic gems. On the mountain Schneckenstein in the Saxon Vogtland 480 gold topaz were found, which adorn the other hand of the English royal crown. The universal scholar Hildegard von Bingen attributed topaz positive effects on heart complaints, stomach problems and fever.
The Topaz is a gemstone that is also known by the trade name Finder’s Diamond. Other names for the gem are Physalith or Tarnstone. The common island silicate consists of fluorine and hydroxide ions. The topaz has a crystallized orthorhombic crystal structure. It is completely fissile and has a shell-like, uneven fracture. The very hard gemstone has a density of 8 to Mohs. The stroke color is white. He is transparent to translucent and has a gloss of glass. When thinking of the topaz, colorless, blue or brownish gemstones first come to mind. However, this gemstone is also available in very exclusive colors. It is used as a jewel and healing stone.
The Topaz supports self-realization and helps to maintain nerve strength. All variations of the topaz are quite valuable gems. Available as rough stones, flow rolled crystals, crystals, tumbled stones, caresses, pendants or chains; they are more in the upper price range. The weight of the gemstone is in carat. The carat weight as well as the purity, color and origin have an impact on the actual price. The gemstone has a strong glass luster, which makes it very suitable for sanding. Stair, scissors or facet cuts visually enhance its not very strong color.
The name of the gem comes from an island in the Red Sea. The name of this island is Topazos. However, this is a bit misleading, because here was actually mining olivine, which was very often confused with the topaz. The topaz is mainly produced in the metasomatosis of fluorine-containing gas on acidic magmatic rock. It forms its own rock groups and is very weather-resistant.
Therefore, it is often found in river sediments. The different colors of the topaz are created by different materials that have been added. If phosphorus is added, the stone gets a golden color, manganese turns it brown, iron makes it blue and red, and chrome gives it a yellow color.
Most of the topaz occurs with beryl, apatite or minerals from the group of tourmalines. Under favorable conditions, topaz crystals can grow to a considerable size. Even copies with 100 kg and more have already been found several times. With a weight of 2500 kg, the largest ever found topaz comes from Mozambique. The main land of topaz is Brazil. Here there are large deposits, in which sometimes very large crystals with considerable gem weight were discovered. Other localities are: Afghanistan, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Burma, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Czech Republic.
Already in the bible the topaz was mentioned. In Aaron’s breastplate, the gemstone is said to have made him invincible in dangerous situations. In addition to eleven other important gemstones, the topaz was also installed in the city wall of the Heavenly Jerusalem. In the Revelation of John he was the ninth of the twelve foundations. They are the so-called apocalyptic stones and are intended to ward off enemies. At the same time they stand for beauty and shine.
According to Pliny the Elder, Topaz was named after the island of Topazus (now St. John’s Island) in the Red Sea. As it turned out later, the found gemstones were not green topaz, but green peridot (olivine), which was long confused with topaz. Another explanation of the origin of the name comes from the Sanskrit “tapas”, which means “lights” or “fire”. Topaz was already mentioned in the Bible and was in the revelation of John as ninth of the twelve foundations of the Jerusalem city wall. In ancient times Topaz was associated with Jupiter and was considered a symbol of power of the rulers. He should give you the wisdom for this office.
Even Hildegard von Bingen described the healing effects of topaz in fever and discomfort of the heart and stomach. Ultimately, however, is not clear whether she did not mean another yellow stone. Topaz can easily be confused with other gemstones because of its appearance. Thus, in 1740 a topaz, which was mistaken for a diamond, was incorporated into the Portuguese crown. The most spectacular find of Topaz so far was in the Schneckenstein in Vogtland, a rock in the Saxon Erzgebirge. There, 480 gold topazes were revealed, which were then incorporated into the English crown. August the Strong also got his topaz from this source. In the trade so-called Gold topaz and Madeira topaz are available.
However, these are trade names of citrine. Smoke topaz is a trade name for smoky quartz.
The topaz blue is one of the most important healing stones of all. In the comprehensive gem encyclopedia, even more than 400 healing stones are captured with images that can be searched by color, origin, effect, meaning, zodiac sign, etc.
General Properties
At regular intervals, the topaz must be freed of absorbed radiation. To cleanse and drain the healing stone, you should treat him twice a month to a lukewarm shower under running water. Charging is best done overnight in a group of mountain crystals or with the power of the morning sun. The physical effect unfolds faster if you wear the gemstone directly on the skin. Topaz supports you in the meditation – the calming effect you feel already at the mere viewing.
The Topaz is a gemstone that is also known by the trade name Finder’s Diamond. The common island silicate consists of fluorine and hydroxide ions. The topaz has a crystallized orthorhombic crystal structure. It is completely fissile and has a shell-like, uneven fracture. The very hard gemstone has a density of 8 to Mohs. The stroke color is white. He is transparent to translucent and has a gloss of glass.
When thinking of the topaz, colorless, blue or brownish gemstones first come to mind. However, this gemstone is also available in very exclusive colors. It is used as a jewel and healing stone.
The Topaz supports self-realization and helps to maintain nerve strength. All variations of the topaz are quite valuable gems. Available as rough stones, flow rolled crystals, crystals, tumbled stones, caresses, pendants or chains; they are more in the upper price range. The weight of the gemstone is in carat. The carat weight as well as the purity, color and origin have an impact on the actual price. The gemstone has a strong glass luster, which makes it very suitable for sanding. Stair, scissors or facet cuts visually enhance its not very strong color.
Love and Relationships
Blue Topaz motivates you to pursue your true love and to keep pushing forward no matter what. This stone gives you confidence and energy to achieve so much more in life, so never ignore its powerful healing effect.
Health Benefits
The blue topaz gives a contented and happy emotional life, brings the self-realization closer and let’s go through life independently. It boosts inspiration, encourages the development of artistic abilities, and gives them the fullest confidence.
He also brings an open-minded and sincere way, which can also help to more success and recognition. In addition, this healing stone provides relaxation, relaxes and helps, among other things with nervousness.
Topaz gives you a happy feeling and supports you in the self-realization. As a healing stone, the topaz strengthens faith in one’s own abilities and promotes self-reliance. The health stones help to be more open-minded, stimulate mental development, provide relaxed moments and reduce nervousness. Rings, chains and topaz pendants unfold their positive healing powers, bringing emotional stability. Particularly creative people appreciate them, because the Topaz healing stones open up a clear view of the smallest details.
Healing effects on the psyche are: Favorable effects on anxiety and depression, more openness to change, Help with emotional exhaustion, more serenity and self-assurance, Support in the processing of experiences, Certainty in one’s own ability
The scientists distinguish between white and blue topazes. White topaz promotes the healing process of injuries and is a support in the realization of wishes, such as losing weight. Through the stimulating Topaz effect on the metabolic system, the healing stone sends important nutrients and energies to where they are needed.
At the same time, the health stones support the elimination of toxins. The blue topaz is known for its healing effect on discomfort in the neck area. Wearing topaz is particularly effective here.
A cure with topaz takes about 6-8 weeks. During this time topaz should be worn every day, even at night. After that you should take a break of about 3-4 weeks, so as not to overload the body. After the break you can wear Topaz again for 2 months without interruption.
Short inserts of topaz make only optically as jewelry a sense, the beneficial effect begins only after a cure. Although Topaz is an energetically strong gemstone, it builds its full effect only over a longer period, but very complex, consistent and consistent. Thus, he is for the most part ineffective in acute or short-term operations. Due to its fantastic and versatile effect, you can carry topaz with regular breaks for life. That makes him, despite its higher price range, a definitely worthwhile investment.
Topaz is equally suitable for men and women with its range of effects, is unsuitable for children and adolescents and makes little sense. The blue topaz helps you, through its expanding influence on the human consciousness, to accept yourself and others in the so-being, but at the same time to trust in being. In times of many transformations, upheavals and changes, this trust is sometimes the only anchor.
The spiritual path is a path that at the beginning but in the middle brings with it doubts, because you open yourself to a world of the invisible and the improvable. Until an unshakable confidence and a steadfast self is achieved, the energy of Topaz strengthens both your intentions and perseverance to go the right but not always easy path of enlightenment.
Blue Topaz Stone and Wealth
The Blue Topaz Stone invites prosperity and wealth into your world so keep it close to you and wear it always on important business meetings.
Blue Topaz Stone and Zodiac
The Zodiac sign Cancer is linked to the Blue Topaz Stone.
Blue Topaz Stone and Chakras
The chakras also benefit from the topaz effect. Topaz is generally suitable for laying on all seven main chakras.
However, since there are many varieties in the gemstones, the different colors develop their powers specifically to a particular chakra. Perceptual exercises help you to choose the right stone. The right topaz usually makes itself felt by tingling or a feeling of warmth. For example, in a stone shop, you can meditate on different topazes before deciding to buy.
How to Purify Blue Topaz Stone
To purify the Blue Topaz stone just put it under the lukewarm water and use a bit of dish soap to clean the dirt.
The inspiring Blue Topaz Stone awakens the artistic qualities in man. Therefore, many singers, painters and actors rely on him as a lucky and protective stone. As a connection between heaven and earth, it also creates a connection to the environment. The Topaz promotes self-determination, the urge for freedom, hyperopia and tolerance. It calms the nerves on the body and strengthens the heart and circulation.
He also helps in the treatment of depression, insomnia and fatigue. The spine is strengthened by the topaz and the taste buds are stimulated. The metabolism is stimulated, as the healing stone infuses important nutrients and energies. The detoxifying effect can be seen, among other things, in liver and kidney diseases. Injuries and local infections are alleviated by this powerful stone.