Ammolite Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

For legal reasons, one should not speak of healing stones in connection with precious stones and minerals, since the positive effect of the stones (which are commonly referred to as “healing stone”) is not medically proven. But anyone who deals with gemstone, mineral, crystal and has tried crystals, minerals and gems in himself will feel the pleasant effect of the stones themselves.

Just as a matter of course, it should be noted that the healing stones effect is not proven and a treatment with healing stones never a medical diagnosis, treatment, therapy or drugs replaced, but the healing stones effect only a medical treatment or medication can complement and support.

The alleged healing stones effect assumes that each mineral, each crystal and each stone has a very specific natural vibration that has a positive effect on the corresponding human organs, go with them in harmonious vibrations and thus ultimately as a healing stones effect on the organism.

Every stone, whether healing stone or not, every crystal or mineral has its own special vibration that can have positive effects on certain diseases, harmonizing, arousing, energizing, soothing or healing.

Here we try to list the possible results of a healing stone effect as it not only corresponds to the millennia-old knowledge of humanity but also to the knowledge of sensitive people, energetics, etc. As long as the healing stones do not have an effect with the currently recognized medications, nothing can go wrong.

However, it cannot be said that the effect of the healing stones is pronounced, without saying that the positive effect of the gems, the influence of minerals and crystals on the human organism is not scientifically proven.

Nevertheless, we are personally convinced that all stones, and especially the healing stones designated as such, have an effect on man and his general well-being and can positively influence the organism.

Ammolite has established itself over the past few decades as a popular gem stone that is stabilized to improve hardness and durability with resin or plastic. The stone has been in circulation since 1969, but has only been mined since 1981 on a higher scale. The majority of commercially available Ammolites come from Canada – the richest deposits of Ammolite exist here.

Another use of Ammolite is as a healing stone. Already the medicine men of the Indians in Canada have sworn on the magic and healing powers of Ammolite. In addition, they used Ammolite as a talisman in the hunt for buffalo, hence the synonym Buffalo stone / Iniskim.

Ammolite has also experienced an economic boom since the 1990’s with the onset of the Feng Shui wave, inasmuch as Ammolite is used to increase chi. Clinically, the healing effect of Ammolite could not be confirmed.

Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism

The main constituent of Ammolite is aragonite; in addition, Ammolites may contain the minerals quartz, pyrite and calcite. According to the classification of mineralogy aragonite is a carbonate mineral with the chemical composition CaCO3. Ammolite is characterized by a great variety of colors.

In addition to red and green, Ammolite may also be of violet, blue and brown color, whereby the colors may occur individually or more colors are present in one copy. Along with the number of colors, the value of Ammolite increases. The highest price is reached by Ammolite with three or more colors.

Like aragonite, Ammolite crystallizes following the rhombic crystal system to form platelet-like crystals of small thickness: 0.5 to 0.8 mm. With the processing or grinding of Ammolite, the layer thickness decreases down to 0.1 mm. The play of colors of Ammolite is explained by the lamellar structure of the crystal platelets, which lead to colored mirror effects when light enters the Ammolite.

Ammolite is sometimes compared and mistaken for mother of pearl and labradorite due to the variegation and sheen. The gloss of Ammolite is silky and in the polished state glassy with opaque transparency. The break is brittle. Some specimens are pervaded by fine lines, cracks and apparent breakages. With a Mohs hardness of 3.5 to 4 Ammolite is relatively soft. The density is 2.75 to 2.84 g / cm³.

General Properties

Born of water, the Ammolite can be used in water. That may sound strange, but it is quite simple. Anyone who deals with Feng Shui cannot pass the Ammolite. The black stone, in the form of a shell, embedded in rocks ensures balance. In the fashion world, he likes to be provided with a hole and worn as a necklace. But even the economy or Natural healing practice use his energy for their successes.

This allows the Ammolite to liven up and purify the water. If some stones of Ammolite are used in a pond, then the self-cleaning power of the water is activated. Less chlorine is needed in public swimming pools or private pools. Burning eyes and unpleasant odors are a thing of the past.

The Ammolites can also be used for heating systems. These are not burned, but used so that they neutralize the water (give it strength again). Lime deposits are prevented, the taste of tap water is improved.

Ammolite was found in the context of Ammolites of the genus intercalary and Placenticeras meeki, which lived during the Cretaceous period, with Ammolite being the mother-of-pearl of said fossils. The fact that the Ammolite is still preserved today and has not been decomposed is due to the fossilization of the Ammolites. After demise, the Ammolites sank to the bottom of the sea and were overlain by sands; Furthermore, volcanic ash is called sedimentation material.

As a result of the impact of the sediment layers, it came to an oxygen termination, so that the Ammolites could not decay and the soft tissues were replaced by the passage through limestone.

In addition, the mineral coating of Ammolite was retained. The occurrence of Ammolite is limited to a few sites in Austria, Madagascar and Canada, where Canada is considered the main producer of Ammolite due to the high amount – nevertheless, it is a rare material Ammolite.

Love and Relationships

This powerful stone can be used to purify your relationship. Hardly any other fossil is as well known as Ammolites in addition to trilobites and belemnites or thunderbolts. Fossilized Ammolites are of particular importance to science, as fossils can be used to draw conclusions about the environmental conditions during the lifetime of Ammolites and the age of the rocks in which Ammolites are embedded.

Because of this, Ammolites are among the key fossils, i. Findings of Ammolites in rock formations show that the site was covered by water during the lifetime of the Ammolites – inasmuch as Ammolites were aquatic life organisms and were, after their end, covered by sediments, which were solidified into sedimentary rocks over the millennia.

Sometimes smaller Ammolites are processed into jewelry. At present, however, not only are the pebbles of Ammolites highly popular, but also the wafer-thin nacre, which has some Ammolites. Ammolite mother-of-pearl is marketed under the trade names Ammolite or Calcentin.

The high price to pay for Ammolites is explained by the rarity of this mother-of-pearl. Ammolite, which is available for purchase, comes mainly from the northwestern United States and north-adjacent provinces of Canada. The peculiarity of Ammolite is the opal-like iridescence in the colors of the rainbow, which does not occur in other Ammolites or not in this form. The reason: the conditions of origin, which prevented the ammoniated mother-of-pearl from being decomposed, dissolved or transformed during the petrification.

Health Benefits

Do not stop at the water. Ammolite has been valued as a child protection for several hundred years. He should keep children from teething or not let them come to the full extent of the outbreak.

Fears and the associated sleep disorders should be spared even babies and those who have fears that can also become bedwetting. But if the Ammolite healing stone used, then the self-confidence and health should be strengthened. To clean the Ammolite tone, it is sufficient to wash it under running water twice a year. So he can unload his energy and collect new energy.

Ammolite Stone and Wealth

The Ammolite Stone is a powerful stone that can influence your financial situation. Wearing this beautiful stone can help you take a more powerful stand in your life and allow you to achieve financial goals that you have set for yourself. This beautiful stone should be worn around the neck and close to the heart. The Ammolite stone is going to help you find goals that you can achieve easily.

This stone is bringing prosperity into your life and also good fortune. It is important to wear this stone to meetings in which you expect to meet important people who can affect your future in financial way.

Ammolite Stone and Zodiac

The Ammolite stone is linked to the Zodiac sign Aquarius. These people are creative and free minds that can benefit a lot from the powerful energy of this beautiful stone.

This stone can help you reach your spiritual potential and greatness.

Ammolite Stone and Chakras

The Ammolite stone is linked to the Crown Chakra. The crown chakra is open at the top because it connects the human with the divine and the cosmic, the great whole. It is located outside of the gross body and is the seat of Unity Consciousness. Through this connection to the Divine through the crown chakra we can attain the highest form of knowledge and wisdom – knowledge through fusion and unity.

An understanding that we understand existentially, without understanding it intellectually. A fully opened crown chakra means complete transcendence of identity as a separate person – this is what we generally mean by the term “enlightenment”.

The resonant age of the crown chakra is between the 26th and the 30th year of age, but only really opened when the Kundalini force has been activated. Mostly it is just activated, that a minimum energy intake can take place. A further development of the crown chakra is only possible if all other six chakras have been activated, the full opening is synonymous with the first stage of enlightenment. Unlike the other chakras, this chakra is largely beyond conscious control.

A special feature of the crown chakra is that it unites the kundalini energy that has risen from the root chakra through all the main chakras. After this act, she returns to the Root Chakra and lies down in a mindful calm.

How to Purify Ammolite Stone

To clean the Ammolite Stone you need to put it under the lukewarm water and use some mild dish soap. This is going to clean the impurities and grease from the jewelry.


The Ammolite stone affects your life in a way that gives you power and stability.

This stone also gives you protection and determination that is always a plus in everything we do. Wear this stone as jewelry and give yourself a powerful boost of energy that is always welcome.

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