Carnelian Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

Carnelian, blood agar or coral brings joie de vivre, strengthens the sense of community and promotes idealism. Vitality, courage, passion and steadfastness belong to this healing stone.

He helps with problem solving and supports solution-oriented thinking. For several thousand years, people have trusted in the beneficial effects of healing stones. Charged with powerful energies, the beautiful looking companions unfold their amazing powers.

The carnelian also helps on a psychological and physical level. Carnelian lifts the mood, gives courage and joie de vivre, counteracts insomnia and strengthens the assertiveness. As a health stone, the healing stone cleanses the blood and pampers the skin.

The colors vary from bright red to fire red, from brown red to almost black shimmering reds. The multi-faceted color plays arise through portions of iron oxide. Particularly beautiful carnelian come from Brazil and India, but also in North Africa, Australia and Japan are wonderful stones.

Symbolism and Meaning

Already the kings of Mesopotamia adorned themselves with carnelians, and also Napoleon had a penchant for the red healing stones. In ancient Greece, carnelian had significance as a symbol of the recurrent solar power. The Egyptians believed that the gems unite divine powers. Carnelian was a precious grave gift, which should bring a deceased a carefree life in the afterlife. Carnelian, also known as the stone of renewal, was even found in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian King Tutankhamen.

The Romans made the red gemstones Italian jewlery. Carnelian was also mentioned in the Bible. In Exodus 28: 15-30 it is written that the stones adorn the axon’s breast shield. According to Revelation 21:19, the carnelian is one of the 12 stones used to build the foundation of the New Jerusalem. Today, the red Soul flatterers are known for their healing power in headaches, cold hands and feet or indigestion.

Carnelian has a greasy to glassy gloss, the transparency is translucent.  Like other quartzes, such as milk quartz, amethyst, agate or rose quartz, carnelian also crystallizes out of silicate-rich solutions, especially in the cavities of igneous rocks. Major carnelian deposits are found in Scotland, among others; England; France; Fichtelgebirge, Glauchau, Saalfeld, Black Forest and Odenwald / Germany; Karawanken and at the Grillkogel / Austria; Jura / Switzerland; Bohemia / Czech Republic; Banská Bystrica / Slovakia; Poland; Karelia / Russia; Ukraine; Hungary; South Africa; India; Japan; China; Australia; Brazil and the USA.

Carnelian is a coveted gem, which is processed in chains, earrings, pendants, bangles and rings but is also processed into ornaments and sold as a chakra or healing stone, the effect is scientifically unproven. Multi-faceted cuts are less used with carnelian, but the stone is held in smooth sections (such as cabochon, balls or pearls) to accentuate the color and pattern.

In some cases, not all of the commercially available carnelian specimens are carnelian. Frequently, imitations of colored glass or agate are offered. In addition, sometimes the color is helped later on the jumps. Due to low heat, the color of orange to light red carnelian transforms into the well-known red meat.

General Properties

The quartz carnelian is a variety of chalcedony. He had and has special significance as a gemstone. However, the name cannot be clarified clearly; In the Middle Ages, Latin was the word “corneolus”, later the stone was known by the term “cornelius”. Ancient writings assume that the stone became known after the cornelian cherry, because of its color. In the 18th and 19th centuries is often the spelling “Karniol”. Carnelian, Kornalin, Blood Agate, Meat Agate, Coral Agate

So far, about 120 sites of carnelian known. Among others in Australia, Brazil, Alsace and Lorraine and in Germany. Here you can find the carnelian in Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Saarland and Thuringia. There are also deposits in England and Scotland, India and Austria, Poland and Russia, Switzerland and Slovakia, as well as Sri Lanka. Also South Africa and Bohemia as well as the Crimea, Hungary and the USA are known for Carnelian.

The carnelian can occur as a coating of rocks or filling of cavities. In addition, they are often found in the boulders of rivers, as they have leached out of their original rock. The origin of the stone is silica, which penetrates through volcanic rocks and absorbs iron oxide. The recording, its intensity and nature provide for the different colors of the stone.

The stone appears in different colors, from all sorts of shades of brown to pink to orange. Some copies are monochrome, others striped or speckled. Very popular are those carnelians, which appear black-red at first glance, but look fiery red when looking at light. The unusual color has carnelians by iron, which occurs in different amounts in the stone. This can be iron oxide as well as iron hydroxide. In India, it has been discovered that it is possible to expose rough stones to sunlight, thereby converting the iron hydroxide into iron oxide, thus making the red color more apparent. This type of processing was already known to the Etruscans and Phrygians. The stone has a high hardness – 7 on the 10 comprehensive scales. It forms no visible crystals, shines waxy matt and is usually translucent.

Especially because of its high hardness, it is possible to process the stone to robust jewelry. It is used for rings and chains. Even works of art, such as sculptures, have already been made of them. There are even known pieces of jewelry that carry such a carnelian, such as the “Ring of Tello”, from about 2500 BC. Christ, who can be seen today in the Louvre. In Ancient Egypt, the stone was considered important in funerary rituals, and was also known as “life stone” because of its color reminiscent of blood. Carnelians were also found as grave goods at Tutankhamen.

It is also reported that Martin Luther wore a signet ring made of gold with a carnelian, in which his coat of arms, the Luther rose, was cut. He was killed Made in 1530 and can be seen today in the Green Vault of the Dresden Castle.

Today, the carnelian occurs as a gemstone mainly in smooth finish or as Gemme, and enjoys increasing popularity.

If the carnelian is used as a healing stone, it can help especially well if it is worn longer (such as jewelry). It can also be applied to the affected areas or worn directly on the skin. It is also possible to suck the stone, which should help with dental problems, to use it as a bath additive, or take as gemstone water. This should be drunk on an empty stomach.

The gemstone carnelian is a healing stone with the hardness 7 and is therefore ideally suited for the processing of jewelery and art figures. Carnelian is usually two-colored and varies from bright reddish specimens to a fiery, almost black shimmering, red. In between there are all brown shades – also patterned or one-colored. The reason for the different colors is the proportion of iron hydroxide or iron oxide. Very beautiful stones come from India but also Brazil, Australia, Japan and North Africa are countries of origin of this healing stone.

In ancient Greece, the carnelian was considered the stone of the returning sun and was then one of the most precious gemstones. In Egypt, it was believed that the gemstone possessed a divine power. To guarantee a good life in the afterlife, a carnelian was often given to the grave. Even in Tutankhamun’s tomb, carnelian stones were discovered. Today he is also called a stone of renewal.

The carneol is said to have both health and mental healing effects. As a healing stone, for example, it relieves symptoms such as cough, fever and headache. He strengthens the immune system. With cold hands and feet, the stone helps by promoting the blood circulation and strengthening the circulation. Furthermore, the carneol promotes the purification of the blood.

Also as support in the intake of vitamins, this healing stone is often used. The better blood circulation leads to a more beautiful skin and the formation of wrinkles is delayed. Men who wear carneol on the body are said to have a special charisma on the women’s world.

The psychic healing effects around the gemstone are manifold. Carnelian gives vitality and protects against depression. It helps against insomnia and pessimism, helps with difficult decisions, encourages the wearer and promotes greater assertiveness. The carnelian promotes the sense of community and gives good mood. Water, in which carnelian could work overnight, should be especially good for the metabolism and the digestive organs.

This healing stone is suitable for all humans – carneol is attributed but above all the star sign scorpion, bull and ram. In the trade, the gemstone is available as a rough stone, flatterer, tumbled stone, pendant, chain, sphere, pyramid or geode.

As with any healing stone, it is important to clean it regularly and recharge it. With carneol, it is enough to keep it once a month under running lukewarm water. To load in just lay in the sun. The carnelian can also be charged in a rock crystal group. There, the stone can also stay longer. Carneol can not be overloaded.

Love and Relationships

Health Healing stones have been known for thousands of years for their positive effect on well-being. Even before conventional medicine spread its scientific views, people trusted the power of stones. For the stones were cleaned, or loaded with forces. Applied to the affected parts of the body, the healing stones soon unfolded their fascinating effect. To this day, healing stones are considered a kind of insider tip for improving health. This includes, for example, the carnelian *, a raw crystal that affects the body and psyche alike.

It is believed that the reddish brown, fiery to black shimmering stone has its name from the similarly colored cornelian cherry. But also the Latin “carne”, which stands for the word meat, forms an association with the name of the healing stone. The carnelian belongs to the subgroup of chalcedony, which belongs to the quartz. The stone is mined in India, Uruguay, Brazil or Madagascar.

As a gem, carnelian remained with the Mesopotamian kings. Even in the Book of Books, the Bible, the stone has found its entrance, as Aaron’s breastplate. The carnelian was also placed as one of twelve gems in the foundation of the city of Jerusalem. The mentions and uses of the stone show that people were already convinced of its effect. The Greeks saw in him the stone of the returning sun. The Egyptians were convinced that there was a divine power in the stone. And so he was often buried in graves. The stone was also discovered in the famous tomb of Tutankhamen. Benefits

Carnelian is a chalcedony and got its own name because of its color. The origin of the name of this gemstone cannot be clarified today. In the Middle Ages he was called “corneolus” and later as “cornelius”. According to the work of Hildegard von Bingen (Physika) he was named for his color after the Cornelian (lat .: cornum). Over the centuries and by falsification, he came to his present name. Carnelian was already valued in antiquity as a gemstone and energy stone. In ancient Egypt, he was considered a “life stone”.

They believed that carnelian could renew the life forces and therefore gave it a significant funeral rites and grave goods. According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, he was a magical armor for life after death. Since carnelian is easy to work with, it was already used at that time for the production of art objects. The oldest find, a chain, can be dated to the year about 3500 BC. Often also gems or signet rings were carved out of him, which mostly showed symbols of happiness, protective symbols and protective deities. For example, Ramses II and Martin Luther wore a signet ring made of carnelian.

In the Middle Ages Carnelian was used as protection against enchantment. Hildegard von Bingen counted carnelian among the most important healing stones and described its action against headaches, bleeding, cough and colds. Marbod of Rennes (1035-1123) and Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) also attributed to him a calming effect on the mind. Later, it was believed that carnelian could increase the appeal of women when worn by men.

The carnelian gives stability, courage and energy. It not only lifts the mood, but also helps with solution-oriented thinking, facing demands or coping with problems. In addition, this healing stone supports the helpfulness of the environment and promotes the sense of community and idealism. Carnelian again gives joy of life and vitality.

Already in antiquity the carnelian was highly appreciated as a jewelry and energy stone. In ancient Egypt, he was sought after as a “life stone” because he was to renew his vitality. That’s why he was also used in burial rites and was an important addition to tombs. He was after the Egyptian Book of the Dead as a kind of magic armor for the afterlife.

Thus wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the “Segenspfänder” (from the West-Eastern Divan): “Talisman in Carnelian, believer he brings happiness and well-being; If he stands on Onyx’s ground, kiss him with a consecrated mouth! He carries away all evil, Protects you and protects the place. (…) ”

The carnelian is a variety of chalcedony and thus a very fine-grained quartz, which is formed by silica. This penetrates into volcanic rock and absorbs iron oxide. This mixture then collects in rock cavities, by cooling and dehydration then the carnelian. In order for the iron oxide to distribute evenly, the water content of the silicon oxide is of crucial importance. The color of carnelian is determined by the iron it contains: iron oxide provides an orange color, iron hydroxide a brown color.

Carnelian Stone and Wealth

Carnelian should give its wearer courage and stamina. It strengthens the zest for life and ensures commitment and decision-making.

The owner of the stone can rejoice that it succeeds in fulfilling wishes, in making decisions and acting courageously. Concentration weakness and confusion can be allegedly fought with this stone as well as indecision and procrastination.

Carnelian Stone and Zodiac

For the zodiac signs Aries, Virgo and Capricorn, carnelian is an important mainstay. The ram he sharpened the view of the essentials, the virgin, he brings vitality, the Capricorn, he brings stability.

Carnelian Stone and Chakras

The root chakra and the sacral chakra are partners of the stone. It is achieved a special heat in the abdomen. In addition, the stone can respond to the needs of the heart and helps to make the right decisions in love and marriage. Carnelian is the partner of the bull-born.

He can also help the ram, because he brings it back to the ground of reality. Even with the twin he ensures openness and liveliness; but is also good for scorpion, lion and cancer.

How to Purify Carnelian Stone

To purify the stone, simply put it under lukewarm water every two weeks and use soap if necessary.


The carnelian has many properties for positive mental effects and thus has the carnelian meaning as an important healing stone. It unleashes the joy of life and prevents depression.

Carnelian helps to optimistic attitude to life and protects the wearer from stressful musings. If you have to make a difficult decision, the effect of the carnelian healing stones is strong in determination. The blood agate gives courage, spurs on and brings you back to your inner center. A true mood maker that also promotes the sense of community and bring fun back to life.

Carnelians stand for renewal and get the body back in motion. The carnelian healing stones strengthen the immune system and stimulate blood circulation. They equip their wearer against the attacks of germs and thus protect against infections. In case of fever, headache and cough, the healing stone unfolds its healing energies.

The carnelian also has a blood-purifying effect, making the organism more receptive to essential nutrients and vitamins.

Also, the skin looks smoother and rosier when you wear a carnelian. Carnelian-gemstone water has a favorable influence on the digestive organs.

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