Phantom Quartz Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

Phantom Quartz or Phantom Quartz can be more or less pure. It goes from a total transparency to the presence of numerous inclusions that make this stone cloudy.

The more pure it is, the higher its cost is. It is in front of one of the most used stones in crystal therapy, useful for working on the seventh chakra and on all the layers of the aura. The Australian aborigines used Phantom Quartz to enhance their powers, but today it is used mainly in meditation to achieve greater spiritual awareness.

In English it is known as clear Quartz, that is light quartz or as Phantom Quartz. You can take advantage of its many beneficial properties by keeping it with you, including earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants and necklaces.

What does the term Phantom Quartz mean? It comes from the Greek and means clear ice. Its properties have long been appreciated both physically, such as to lower fever, and on a spiritual and mental level.

If you are interested in working with Phantom Quartz, know that it is a very common stone, but at the same time really so powerful. You can get extraordinary benefits from it.

Read on to discover the properties and how to use them.

Symbolism and Meaning

The shamans believed that it came from heaven and used it to get in touch with the superior spirits. We can easily learn what the main uses of Phantom Quartz are today, in the physical, mental and spiritual field.

Phantom Quartz is used to lower fever. Place it under the soles of the feet, it is said that it can reduce body temperature. You can bring it into contact with the body to balance the circulation, but also to stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands and push the body to expel toxins. It acts on the whole nerve sphere, balancing its functions.

Phantom Quartz can be used when you have a bit of a headache, especially the one that occurs after several hours spent at the computer working. Sometimes I have found positive effects on toothache too. To sum up this stone is useful for: lowering fever, balancing circulation, helping the body to expel toxins, bringing balance to the nerve sphere, against toothache.

We have the Queen of Stone in front of us, the queen of stones. The Phantom Quartz turns into a crown to deposit energy on our head, for the precision at the seventh chakra, the crown chakra and the supreme purification, the energy center with the most subtle energy that connects us directly with the Divine.

According to popular beliefs, Phantom Quartz or Crystal Quartz, manages to lower the body temperature. Just place two specimens on the soles of the feet to reduce the fever immediately. Its properties have been known for centuries, ever since it was considered solidified water (ice).

General Properties

The name “Phantom Quartz” was born from this belief. Krustallos (Greek) means just ice. It was then also associated with glass. The name Phantom Quartz in fact, always derives from the Greek word Hyalos, which translated means precisely glass. Trigonal crystalline system and primary formation. It is predominantly a lava stone, but is also formed in secondary and tertiary environments.

This colorless oxide is by far the most popular and widespread mineral on earth. However, the largest number of deposits can be found in Mexico, Russia, Brazil, Canada, the USA, Uruguay, Germany and India.

It is associated with the element of fire and therefore with male strength, with all the “typical” requirements. In ancient China, precisely because of the similarity that Phantom Quartz has with ice, they believed that by holding one of these stones in their mouths, it was possible to relieve thirst.

Even the shamans used it very well during their practices, this because, because of its color, they believed that it came from the sky and used to call it “light stone”.

According to the ancient Romans then, the Phantom Quartz was the spirit of a dead shaman, returned to the planet with the aim of watching over the souls in need of a very powerful spiritual guide.

Love and Relationships

The typical characteristics of yang energy such as the desire for conquest, willpower and courage are counterbalanced also by the fact that 50% of the Phantom Quartz energy is associated with the water element, which has a Yin energy, typically feminine and therefore linked to emotions, intuition and love.

Health Benefits

Phantom Quartz is used to attenuate fever. Furthermore, it seems to be able to bring a certain balance even to the circulatory level. It stimulates the glands, relieves headaches and soothes pains affecting the teeth. The Phantom Quartz elixir is great to combine with a purifying diet to eliminate toxins.

On the psychic level, Phantom Quartz brings balance. As we have seen in him harbor the Yin and Yang energies and this harmony of his is also handed down to us. Wearing the Phantom Quartz with constancy, we succeed in affirming our nature, positively stimulating thought and pushing our most curious side to better investigate ourselves.

It will be its (non) transparent and pure color, it will be that it is connected to the chakra by the subtlest energies, it will be that it transmits great energy … the fact is that Phantom Quartz is in my opinion the mineral that best helps us to investigate on a level spiritual. It is a conductor of perfect energy. I remember that when I attended my first conferences dedicated to crystal therapy, it was always taken as an example.

The Phantom Quartz tips, like the one shown in the image above (perhaps purer), are considered “energetic scalpels”. That is to say that in crystal therapy with these instruments one goes to work in a very precise manner on the human aura. These are rather delicate operations that are performed only by the most experienced crystal therapists.

Phantom Quartz can be used with immense satisfaction even in meditation. Amplifies the high experience. The properties of Phantom Quartz have been known for a long time. Since it was first considered ice and after very common glass from various populations. Think that the ancient Maya used Phantom Quartz to enhance their rituals, in ancient China to alleviate thirst. The shamans instead, believing that he came from heaven, used it to get in touch with the superior spirits. Instead we see what the main uses of Phantom Quartz are today, in the physical, mental and spiritual field.

Phantom Quartz is used to lower fever. Place it under the soles of the feet, it is said that it can reduce body temperature. You can bring it into contact with the body to balance the circulation, but also to stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands and push the body to expel toxins. It acts on the whole nerve sphere, balancing its functions.

Personally I use Phantom Quartz when I have a bit of a headache, especially the one that occurs after several hours spent at the computer working.

Sometimes I have found positive effects on toothache too. We sum up, useful for: lowering fever, balancing circulation, helping the body to expel toxins, bringing balance to the nerve sphere, against toothache.

What good is Phantom Quartz when it comes to the psychic sphere? I advise you to use it when you feel you are in a state of instability, when you seem to have lost your ability to think clearly. In fact, the Phantom quartz works on the whole mental sphere bringing balance. You can use it to find your lost identity due to internal or external factors from you. It brings out your nature, stimulates introspective investigation.

With Phantom Quartz you do not work only on yourself. The benefits you get are many others. You learn to know your nature better and at the same time you can better understand others for example. You realize that wearing it always, you bring harmony and serenity to your life. Let us summarize, useful for: lucid reasoning, obtaining balance, introspection, getting to know others better, being in harmony with yourself.

On a spiritual level you can work with Phantom Quartz on the seventh chakra to harmonize it and connect with the higher planes of existence. It is a highly spiritual and truly fantastic stone. It helps you to face a deep introspective investigation.

For this reason I advise you to meditate together, you will see that good benefits! In crystal therapy treatments use it to clean the aura, remove the blockages and the energetic thickenings that prevent you from living with tranquility. Being an excellent amplifier, use it when you need to communicate with the spirit guides or if you simply want to achieve superior emotional clarity.

Phantom Quartz Stone and Wealth

The Phantom Quartz can help you gain more financial freedom and become more independent as a businessman. This stone gives you more confidence and helps you make decisions easier.

Phantom Quartz Stone and Zodiac

The Phantom Quartz is related to the Air signs and can be used by them to promote happiness and overall well-being.

Phantom Quartz Stone and Chakras

On a spiritual level you can work with Phantom Quartz on the seventh chakra to harmonize it and connect with the higher planes of existence. It is a highly spiritual and truly fantastic stone.

It helps you to face a deep introspective investigation. For this reason I advise you to meditate together, you will see that good benefits.

How to Purify Phantom Quartz Stone

A beautiful quartz and as such, you can clean it by placing it directly under running water. But remember not to leave it exposed to direct sunlight.

You can also clean it with water and detergents. It does not matter to purify the stones, however if you wish to perform this ritual you can purify the Phantom Quartz in the running water of a stream or with tap water.


We can summarize that this beautiful stone is useful for: working on the seventh chakra, harmonizing with the universe, removing energy blockages, communicating with spirit guides, improving emotional clarity.

You might also like: The complete set of stones for a crystal therapy treatment! Wear it as a necklace, in this way you work on the high chakras balancing them but above all, bring stability also to your life. Put the Phantom Quartz under the soles of the feet to lower the body temperature or directly on the forehead against headaches. Hold it in your hands to enter a deep meditative state.

You can sleep with this beautiful stone inside your pillow as well. In practice, when your conscious side gives way to the unconscious,

Phantom Quartz intervenes to eliminate those aspects of you that do not really belong to you. With Phantom Quartz you do not only work on yourself. The benefits you get are many others. You learn to know your nature better and at the same time you can better understand others.

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