White Jade Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

On the white jade, unlike the green one, there is little information. All I know is about some uses in crystal therapy. This stone appears of a white that sometimes tends to light yellow (similar to the cream color), just like in the head image of this article.

It is much less famous than green jade, which is much sought after both in jewelry and in crystal therapy. The white variant is a calcium and magnesium silicate. It is a form of jade nephrite.

From the chromatic point of view it connects to the crown chakra and in fact, it is indicated above all to work on the mental and spiritual level!

Wear it, it protects you from negative energies. It has also been used for centuries as a lucky charm, capable of bringing harmony to life. It helps you in meditation to connect you to the higher planes and during the activation of the seventh chakra. You will receive valuable information from the upper floors!

You can wear it as a pendant when, for example, you need to make an important decision or feel stuck when it comes to taking a step forward.

Very often this behavior is accompanied by being distracted by anything, a bit like a self-sabotage of dreams and projects. Wear a white jade to protect yourself from yourself!

On a physical level it is recommended if you have kidney or bladder problems. It also seems capable of alleviating the pains of arthritis. It then fights fluid retention and high blood pressure.

It helps you to live in the present, but above all to find the right balance between your physical and spiritual life.

However, the main use in crystal therapy is that related to the activation of the seventh chakra. Many crystal therapists use it as a fixed element during their treatments.

Symbolism and Meaning

Jade, there is practically nothing on the mineral market! Real jade is priceless. In China, the export of pure Jade prison. Nephrite is closely related, so to speak, the green jade and still to get.

The jade is available as tumbled, caressed, bullet, pyramid, chain, pendants, donuts and many fanciful necklaces and leather straps.

However, as art objects, such. As figures, vases or tea service, the jade is a treasured gem.

Jade figures from China are not only valuable works of art, but often also due to their great age and their great purity also very curative. Calms the nerves, helps with listlessness, satisfactorily satisfies and reduces prejudices, strengthens mental activities and the energy.

Stone of love and harmony, improves responsiveness, conveys confidence, self-confidence and independence. Thanks to its effect on mental metabolism, Jade can help us to reduce prejudices. Virtues such as justice and mercy are reinforced. She gives us more joy and love of life.

Being the stone of inner peace, love and serenity, it gives us more satisfaction. The jade can strengthen our courage and personality and helps to limit anxiety and stage fright.

Jade stimulates kidney activity and the nervous system, detoxifies the organism, has a hemostatic effect, and strengthens the heart and circulation. This type of jade has very gentle vibrations that penetrate very deeply due to their high frequency. It has a beneficial effect on the disease of the internal organs such as spleen, liver and intestinal tract.

The kidneys preserve jade from colic and stones. It strengthens the entire immune system and regulates the physical and mental metabolism, in addition, Jade supports the flushing out of toxins.

Before falling asleep, lay on your forehead for 20 minutes. In the morning, drink a glass of jade water on an empty stomach, place the iodine on affected areas.

Place the green jade where you have physical problems. The traditions of the Jade date back to the 5th millennium BC, where it was already mentioned as the ‘best of all gems’. The Chinese saw in the jade the symbol of the five main virtues: wisdom, justice, mercy, modesty and courage. She raises awareness of her carrier and brings a long, healthy life.

In ancient Egypt, the stone was worshiped as the stone of love, of inner peace, of harmony and of balance. Even today Jade serves as a dream stone, which gives his wearer the ability to interpret dreams.

In almost all Arabian countries, jade honed to a scarab is honored as a protective stone that keeps evil away from the body. The Mayas in ancient Mexico worshiped the stone as a love stone, which can transform friendship into intimate love.

General Properties

Giada, a fascinating stone for its colors but also for its powers. It is often used for the health of the heart and liver, the “anatomical” side, while from the point of view of the psyche, the Jade would seem able to help better convey the emotions. All that remains is to get informed, and try.

Jade, as a name, comes from the Spanish “pedra de ijada”, an expression in which “ijada” means flanks. We therefore have the “stone of the flanks”, well explained by the fact that the Jade has a beneficial power on the loins and kidneys. This name makes us understand that it was already known at the time of the Spanish conquest of Central America, in this land it was worked to produce objects and amulets.

We find Jade also in ancient China, here it was even considered sacred, able to prevent corrosion and to drive away evil spirits, which is why it was used for funerary urns. This particular attention on the part of the ancient Chinese people is found in the traditional literature of the same people, in which the Jade is often cited together with gold as a symbol of wealth.

The Jade eliminates fear and helps to make the right decisions, always pushing towards a positive renewal, “open mind”. The element that is associated with it is Water, the linked Chakras are the second (“abdomen”) and fourth (“heart”).

Now let’s take a look at the more “technical” properties of stone. It belongs to the mineral class of phyllosilicates and its chemical formula is NaAl [Si2O6] + Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn. It is defined as an ornamental stone rather than a real mineral, because in fact it is a mix of silicate minerals (jadeite and nephrite) assembled so as to form a structure of very fine granules and woven fibers.

There is no “jade color”, but there are so many that this stone shows off to meet our tastes. It is usually a white or white background tending to gray, uniform, on which then appear shades of pink, lavender, and violet. We also find stones that appear emerald green or light green, this happens when chromium is present.

Love and Relationships

Jade figures from China are not only valuable works of art, but often also due to their great age and their great purity also very curative.

Calms the nerves, helps with listlessness, satisfactorily satisfies and reduces prejudices, strengthens mental activities and the energy.

Health Benefits

The beautiful jade is the stone of supple femininity and male life force. It is a stone of the gods (Jade Emperors) and of physical and mental balance – Ying and Yang spirit and body are in harmony with each other. The bright green color of the jade stands for harmony and confidence.

In many ancient cultures recognized the peculiarity and beauty of jade. For example, green jade has been considered one of the most important healing stones in China for millennia. Jade is called “che yü”, meaning “jewel, sweetheart”. The peculiarity and symbolism of the jade is reflected in its culture by the so-called “Jade Emperor”, a deity in Chinese mythology.

The emerald green jade has a great rarity value and is still regarded as a lucky stone today. The properties of the jade influence according to ancient cultures, the spirit and well-being of the stone carrier.

Jade should have a particularly strong effect on the human organism and, accordingly, can help with diseases of the internal organs – especially the kidneys. In Spain, for example, the jade was also called “pietra de ijada” (Lendenstein). When worn on the body, Jade should be used accordingly for kidney problems. But also in fever or hypertension the stone should show healing effects.

Jade is said to strengthen harmony and inner balance, alleviate fears and give more happiness and contentment. Through the added courage and the strengthened personality you go through life with more assertiveness.

Jade should have a particularly nice influence on creativity. The stone inspires the imagination and promotes the need for self-realization. This is partly because of their color and partly because of their special connection with the first chakra. This is about professional self-realization. Ideally, Jade helps to realize one’s own talents and creativity.

Jade should also promote the dream. By placing the jade on our “third eye”, the forehead chakra, a subconscious connection to the divine can be established. The sleeping person can thus perceive dreams more consciously and receive messages from his subconscious. Of course, this does not always mean a quieter dream, because so many past events then want to be clarified and “processed”.

The jade stone also works on the heart chakra. Here we preserve our deep feelings and our heart’s desires. All encounters with other people leave emotions and feelings, deep joy and deep wounds. All this is reflected in our heart chakra.

Jade has the ability to balance the feelings so that the stone bearer can come to rest. Of course, the stone, which exists in different shades of green, can also be worn as a piece of jewelry around the neck for an everlasting effect.

White Jade Stone and Wealth

The Jade eliminates fear and helps to make the right decisions, always pushing towards a positive renewal, “open mind”.

The element that is associated with it is Water, the linked Chakras are the second (“abdomen”) and fourth (“heart”).

White Jade Stone and Zodiac

Jade is assigned to the Cancer, the Libra and the fish, but also the Virgo and the Aquarius.

White Jade Stone and Chakras

Jade is characterized by gentle vibrations with high frequency. It cleans almost all our energy centers.

As a result, we can use the jade for all our chakras as a warming and healing stone. Put it on your love chakra, and you will feel how unpleased and infertility give way to your life.

If you associate the jade with a ruby ​​zoisite in the context of fertility, you can be sure that you will not have to wait much longer to fulfill the desire for a baby. Digestive complaints and diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are best remedied by applying jade to the solar plexus.

You can increase this effect with a citrine that has the effect of healing even deeper and more advanced ulcers, colic and inflammation.

People and especially children who are very susceptible to infectious diseases, flu, headaches and migraines should wear the jade over the heart chakra on the neck as a pendant or chain.

How to Purify White Jade Stone

In the care you should let the jade decide for yourself. If one notices that this becomes somewhat cloudy on its surface, or only slowly warms up when placed on the body, it should be cleaned under running lukewarm water.

You should recharge the jade regularly after unloading. It is recommended to load them overnight in a glass with amethyst tumbled stones or in an amethyst druse.

In the sun you should not charge the jade, because the powerful rays of the sun can discard the harmonious vibrations of the jade.


Being the stone of inner peace, love and serenity, it gives us more satisfaction. The jade can strengthen our courage and personality and helps to limit anxiety and stage fright.

Jade stimulates kidney activity and the nervous system, detoxifies the organism, has a hemostatic effect, and strengthens the heart and circulation.

This type of jade has very gentle vibrations that penetrate very deeply due to their high frequency. It has a beneficial effect on the disease of the internal organs such as spleen, liver and intestinal tract.

Place the green jade where you have physical problems. The traditions of the Jade date back to the 5th millennium BC, where it was already mentioned as the ‘best of all gems’. The Chinese saw in the jade the symbol of the five main virtues: wisdom, justice, mercy, modesty and courage. She raises awareness of her carrier and brings a long, healthy life.

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