The name of the calcite is derived from the limestone due to its high lime content. In medicine, calcite is of great importance in the manufacture of many medicines because of its high calcium content.
The calcite impresses with its wealth of forms and its impressive colors. Indian peoples from Mexico believed that the stone can absorb so much sunlight that it still shines at night and can drive out the evil spirits. The Vikings used it to navigate the oceans. Calcite has helped them to calculate sunlight as a function of the position of the sun.
People who have lost their positive faith and young children, he helps in the development. For bone problems and disc problems, calcite water should be drunk. So bone-forming calcium salts are to be formed, which protect the skeleton.
After knee operations, meniscal complaints and knee problems, the knee can be rubbed with calcite water.
Alternatively or in addition, a calcite disk can be placed on the affected area. If you suffer from nightmares and moonlight, the stone should be placed under your pillow. In order to intensify the effects on the soul and the mind, the calcite should be worn during the day on a chain or a ring. Key chains are also suitable for use.
Symbolism and Meaning
Andrododamas, alpine pasture, double cleft, mother-of-pearl, empire, chalk, rhombus, and burning stone, spat. Calcite is widely distributed around the world. He is even one of the most common minerals in the earth’s crust. Occurrences are found mainly in the Swabian Alb, in the Swiss Limestone Alps and in the Franconia Jura.
There are also deposits on Rügen, in Iceland, in the chalk cliffs of Dover and the sinter terraces in Turkey. Nobler calcite cleavages such as orange calcite, citron calcite, green calcite and blue calcite can be found in small areas in Mexico. In Peru, the pink Calcite can be found.
The calcite is formed in shallow sea basins or lakes due to the evaporation of calcareous water. In addition, calcite is formed in the form of stalactites when carbon dioxide-containing water dissolves lime from carbonaceous parent rocks and seeps through cracks and cavities in the rock. Calcite is also part of many other gems such as lapis lazuli, dolomite, travertine and other minerals.
One of the outstanding physical properties of calcite is that it has a particularly high birefringence. Looking at an object from a certain point of view through a clear calcite, one sees the object twice.
Therefore, he also bears the name “double cleft”. Its density is between 2.6 and 2.8 g / cm3. If you look at the calcite under UV light, it can fluoresce yellow, blue or red, depending on its origin. Since the calcite is a relatively soft stone, it is not necessarily weather-resistant. It can dissolve completely in acidic water and in dilute acids.
The calcite comes in different colors. Most common, however, is the yellow to yellow-brown calcite. In its pure form, however, it is colorless. So he is in nature very rare. Its different colors are due to ions of metals that replace calcium ions. Iron leads to a reddish color, zinc to a greyish-white color, cobalt to pink tones and manganese gives it a purple tone. Green colors are produced when some malachite is present in the calcite. Rarely are blue dyes. These are produced by radiation of radioactive minerals.
Like most stones calcite has healing effects. Due to its high calcium content, it is used to stabilize the skeleton, bone marrow and joints. For example, it is also recommended for knee and meniscal complaints. He supports the body in the recovery of disc problems and bone operations. He should also prevent bone diseases.
In addition, the calcite is said to have a calming effect. He promises quiet nights, is to save from nightmares and moonlighting. The calcite should help its wearer to react prudently and intuitively correctly assess situations. He helps to steadfastness and self-confidence. He also helps to overcome difficult situations.
General Properties
The calcite is a very popular healing stone, which is also known in the German vernacular as Beinbruchstein. It is a mineral and at the same time namesake for the Calcite group within the mineral class of the carbonates. He has very different colors. The calcite is considered a healing stone for bones, nails and teeth, its tradition goes back to ancient Greece.
The name calcite is derived from the Latin (calx = lime) or the Greek (chálix = lime). It is one of the most abundant earth crust minerals. Due to its high calcium content, calcite is used mainly in the pharmaceutical industry.
Already in ancient Greece he had a great importance as a healing stone. The high concentration of lime contributed to the fact that it was often used in the production of healing ointments.
Calcite was also considered a protective stone against evil spirits. The calcite lime has also been used in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, although this treatment has not been very useful. In folk medicine, calcite is also used for calcium deficiency.
As a gem, the calcite is less suitable due to its low hardness, yet it can be found as such every now and then in the cabochon or smooth section. The stone comes in a variety of colors and shapes.
The calcite is formed secondarily by deposits and weathering. It is a rock-forming mineral that belongs as calcium carbonate to the mineral class of carbonates. Calcite consists of calcium, oxygen and carbon and contains deposits of iron, cobalt and manganese. The mineral occurs in different colors and shapes, the color is influenced by different minerals.
Calcite is very common worldwide. The occurrence of the different localities varies. The main exploitation of calcite is in Brazil, India, South Africa, Austria, Mexico and the USA. The largest deposits of calcite are also due to deposits of the oceans, where the components of shellfish and skeletons of other marine life settle. In the formation of calcite also corals and their reefs play a crucial role. Although many different deposits of calcite exist, it is not always the case that degradation is meaningful or of economic importance.
The calcite belongs to the trigonal crystal system and has a layered crystal structure. The high birefringence of the crystals is characteristic of calcite. If light does not fall along the optical axis of the crystal, it is split into two light bundles – the ordinary and the so-called extraordinary ray. Due to different polarization directions, different refractive indices apply to both beams. This shows that, depending on the angle of view, an object viewed through the crystal appears double. This property also helps identify a calcite.
In addition to deposits of iron, manganese and cobalt, the calcite may also contain rare earths, depending on the location, which can fluoresce under UV light red, blue, yellow or other colors. The calcite is completely fissile and, depending on the variety, transparent to opaque. Compared to other minerals, it is hardly resistant to weathering. It is much softer than feldspar or quartz and soluble in acidic water. Heavy evolution of gas results in dissolution in cold, dilute acids.
The pure calcite is colorless and transparent, but is very rare in nature. In general, a natural calcite usually has a honey yellow to yellow-brown color, massive varieties are often milky white. Due to the inclusions of various metals (e.g. iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt) there are different color varieties. These metals then replace the calcium ions in the crystal lattice. Iron provides a tan color, zinc a greyish-white color, Cobald pinks and manganese contribute to a mauve or violet coloration. Some manganese-containing stones often fluoresce reddish.
If there is a slight malachite in the calcite, then it has a green color. Sky to lavender blue calcite is formed when it comes to discoloration in the crystal lattice, which is caused by the radiation of radioactive minerals. If the calcite is exposed to the sun, the blue hue weakens and disappears completely over time. Influences on the soul sometimes have different influence; the effects on the physical level are usually the same. The possibilities of using calcite are very diverse.
Healing of tissue and bone (e.g. broken bones, gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis and arthritis, strains, back and joint pain, stiffening, deposits) Strengthening the heart (also helps against low blood pressure, has a positive effect on coronary arteries, helps with cardiac arrhythmia), helpful for problems with the teeth (e.g. tooth decay), Helpful with hair problems (e.g. hair splitting) as well as brittle fingernails, Support for the entire neck and throat area. Every single variety of calcite – as with other healing stones – is ascribed different effects on the soul. But roughly the effects of the healing stone are similar.
Love and Relationships
This powerful stone is going to help you become certain in your decisions regarding your love life. This also means finding balance and faith in the partner beside you, so that the two of you can find happiness together.
Health Benefits
The calcite belongs to the trigonal crystal system and has a layered crystal structure. The high birefringence of the crystals is characteristic of calcite. If light does not fall along the optical axis of the crystal, it is split into two light bundles – the ordinary and the so-called extraordinary ray. Due to different polarization directions, different refractive indices apply to both beams. This shows that, depending on the angle of view, an object viewed through the crystal appears double. This property also helps identify a calcite.
In addition to deposits of iron, manganese and cobalt, the calcite may also contain rare earths, depending on the location, which can fluoresce under UV light red, blue, yellow or other colors. The calcite is completely fissile and, depending on the variety, transparent to opaque. Compared to other minerals, it is hardly resistant to weathering. It is much softer than feldspar or quartz and soluble in acidic water. Heavy evolution of gas results in dissolution in cold, dilute acids.
The pure calcite is colorless and transparent, but is very rare in nature. In general, a natural calcite usually has a honey yellow to yellow-brown color, massive varieties are often milky white. Due to the inclusions of various metals (e.g. iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt) there are different color varieties. These metals then replace the calcium ions in the crystal lattice. Iron provides a tan color, zinc a greyish-white color, Cobalt pinks and manganese contribute to a mauve or violet coloration. Some manganese-containing stones often fluoresce reddish.
If there is slight malachite in the calcite, then it has a green color. Sky to lavender blue calcite is formed when it comes to discoloration in the crystal lattice, which is caused by the radiation of radioactive minerals. If the calcite is exposed to the sun, the blue hue weakens and disappears completely over time. Influences on the soul sometimes have different influence; the effects on the physical level are usually the same. The possibilities of using calcite are very diverse.
Healing of tissue and bone (e.g. broken bones, gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis and arthritis, strains, back and joint pain, stiffening, deposits) Strengthening the heart (also helps against low blood pressure, has a positive effect on coronary arteries, helps with cardiac arrhythmia), helpful for problems with the teeth (e.g. tooth decay), Helpful with hair problems (e.g. hair splitting) as well as brittle fingernails, Support for the entire neck and throat area. Every single variety of calcite – as with other healing stones – is ascribed different effects on the soul. But roughly the effects of the healing stone are similar.
Yellow Calcite Stone and Wealth
The Yellow Calcite is going to help you get rid of debt and find financial balance. In current situation this is of primary importance.
Yellow Calcite Stone and Zodiac
The Yellow Calcite is linked to the Zodiac sign Capricorn. It helps those who are born under this sign to find meaning in life.
Yellow Calcite Stone and Chakras
The Yellow Calcite stone is not linked to any particular Chakra.
How to Purify Yellow Calcite Stone
To Clean the Yellow Calcite stone simply put it under lukewarm water and use some soap to clean out the grease or any other dirt from it.
Calcite is a mineral of sedimentary origin that is formed when lime-rich water evaporates over millions of years in shallow sea basins or lakes. The formation of calcite is also possible in the form of precipitation products of hot, calcareous sources.
Dripstones are also made of calcite and are formed when lime is removed from carbonate-bearing parent rocks by carbon dioxide-containing water and seeps through fissures and rock cavities.
In this way, over a period of years, underground (stalagmites) and mineral concretions (stalactites) reaching from the surface of the cave develop.
Furthermore, calcite is a mineral component of many rocks; Calcite occurs, for example, as a mixed part in Rogenstein, green and blue shale, Schalstein, lapis lazuli, petrified wood, shell limestone, diabase, dolomite, marble and travertine.
The deposits of calcite are associated with many other minerals including quartz, stichtite, sapphire, galena, pyrite, sphalerite, marcasite and pyrolusite. Calcite is a widely used mineral worldwide, for example in Greenland; Iceland; Scandinavia; Scotland; England; France; Germany; Southern and Eastern Europe, but also in southern Africa; Asia; South, Central and North America can be found.