Green Sapphire Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

The sapphire has been produced synthetically for over 100 years. Sapphire syntheses produced in mass production hardly differ from the real stones.

The likelihood of confusion with other blue gemstones, syntheses and glass is very large. It is very similar to tanzanite and iolite. Polished stones are more commonly confused than rough stones.

Green Sapphire Stone, which have been produced synthetically since 1904, are distinguished by glass bubbles and curved growth strips from the real stones.

Other syntheses, which are more elaborate and expensive to grow, need more care to be unmasked. Even with a magnifying glass and experience, differences can hardly be detected. A careful study of the inclusions brings more clarity to distinguish real stones from syntheses.

Many gemstones are in danger of being confused with glass. While syntheses are more difficult to detect, the distinction between real sapphire and glass with magnifying glass and a little practice is possible.

Glass has a conchoidal fracture and has blurred or worn facet edges. Round bubbles and often streaky structure indicate glass. A simple thermal conductivity test helps distinguish between stone and glass.

However, this test only works if it is a crystalline mineral. Stone and mineral are placed next to each other for a short time to reach the same temperature. The difference can be felt on a heat-sensitive part of the body because the glass feels warmer.

Symbolism and Meaning

Most common are so-called Green Sapphire Stone. After 1902 patented procedure very cheap sapphire syntheses are produced in mass production since 1904. The frequently heard customer objection, the stone was already for a century in family possession, is thus no indication of authenticity.

Green Sapphire Stone are usually easy for a person skilled in the art to recognize. Unlike Green Sapphire Stone Rubies, Green Sapphire Stone Sapphires are almost always showing telltale gas bubbles and curved growth marks.

In all other synthetic sapphires, which are bred with very elaborate and costly methods, magnifying glass and experience are often not enough for identification. In most cases careful study of inclusions leads to success, but it is very rare to find stones where modern high technology, e.g. Element analysis by means of X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy or similar.

The good news is that the danger of falling for a high quality ruby ​​or sapphire synthesis has dropped significantly in recent years. Due to the enormous costs and probably lack of economic success, quite a few manufacturers have stopped production or operation.

Probably the most famous sapphire deposit lay in a remote valley of Kashmir, in northwestern India. The date of the discovery is today disputed. Sometime between 1882 and 1897, the first stones may have come to light through a landslide. A few years later, a second but much less abundant deposit was discovered 250m below.

The mines are located in extremely inaccessible areas and can only be reached by helicopter or on foot, with the nearest road being 6-8 days’ walk away. In addition, they are snow-free for only one to a maximum of three months per year.

The two mines were operated with each lasting several years until 1927. The so-called “Old Mine” was closed after six years due to exhaustion. However, the stones found in this short time were of such outstanding quality that they immediately became a legend and still set the standard by which all blue sapphires are measured.

What makes fine Kashmir sapphires so special is their beautiful royal blue paired with a delicate, created by silkiness, which gives the stones their incomparable velvety appearance. Second in the ranking of the most famous sapphire deposits is Mogok in Burma. Mainly known for rubies, this area also supplies some of the world’s best sapphires. The stones are characterized by an intense blue and also have Burma sapphire hardly color zoning, which distinguishes them from the sapphires from the next famous deposit, namely Ceylon.

The gem wealth of Sri Lanka is legendary. There are so many gemstone deposits on the island that it is likely that the first ones were discovered shortly after the island was colonized by India. At any rate, the trade in rubies and sapphires has been busy for more than 2000 years.

Green sapphires are on average lighter in color than sapphires from other deposits. Also characteristic are a multiplicity of fingerprint-like “healing cracks”, numerous mineral inclusions as well as clear color zoning. Often it is visible from the side that the color concentrates in the top (vial) and the remaining part is colorless.

General Properties

In addition to the ruby ​​and the sapphire belongs to the group of corundum. The very hard mineral is second only to the diamond on the hardness scale with a Mohs hardness of 9. The variety of sapphire colors is manifold. While red stones are referred to as rubies, the color spectrum of the sapphires ranges from sky blue to very dark blue, probably already going into black. The color varies depending on the light case. The transparency is transparent to opaque.

Nowadays blue gems are considered as sapphires. The gemstone crystallizes in the trigon crystal system and belongs to the ditrigonal scale crystal class. At break, it shows up shell-like or splintery. The name derives from the Greek name for blue stones.

Since time immemorial, people appreciate the sapphire as a mysterious and popular gemstone. He is said to have many positive qualities. Especially in Asian countries, he is considered a stone of truth and friendship. In Europe, the focus is more on the belief in the power of the stone, which is transferred to the owner or the bearer of the stone. Sapphires are said to convey honor and even give immortality. The gemstone is considered a symbol of wealth and knowledge.

As a protective and healing stone, people carried him close to the body. It is mentioned in the Bible as one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. He is considered the gemstone with the highest energy. Each cardinal’s celibate ring is a sapphire ring worn on the right, blessing hand. The esoteric properties are complemented by numerous effects on body, mind and soul.

In addition to its magical and mystical properties, sapphire has a broad spectrum of activity on humans. Physical as well as mental effects are said to him.

The strong and energetic gemstone cannot be fooled. His powers work directly on the human psyche and cannot be diverted with other stones. He penetrates deeply into body, mind and soul and establishes a connection to the body. This connection ensures relaxation and balance at the highest level. The sapphire brings concentration and straightforwardness.

To achieve set goals, he mobilizes the mind and sets up the thoughts. An amulet with the blue gemstone helps to avoid anger and overreaction. He saves from emotional outbursts and strengthens the thought concentration. As a healing stone he helps to overcome learning difficulties and test anxiety. At the same time he strengthens the nerves, calms them and strengthens them. This will soothe the mind and strengthen the willpower.

Desires and goals are realized straightforward and with energy. Inner peace and spiritual growth as well as clarity are promoted. As a master, the blue gem helps align your imagination and your will to make wishes come true. It gives self-control, self-determination and discipline. Virtues such as faithfulness, friendship, love and hope are promoted. Mental illness relieves the stone by promoting the will to recover and activates the self-healing powers. It proves to be very helpful in stressful situations, because it counteracts the symptoms and breaks them down.

So that he can transfer his energies and pass on his positive qualities, it is important to cleanse him regularly and to care properly.

Love and Relationships

Your love life can also be affected by the power of this stone because it motivates partners to long for each other more and to desire each others presence.

Health Benefits

To make a gemstone essence, the cleaned stone is placed in a glass bowl with water. Then all he needs is time to transfer his energies and powers. This is promoted by good sunshine. But not only as a jewel and healing stone, the sapphire is very popular. Due to its hardness and abrasion resistance, it can be found in many watches and other precision electrical equipment as a stabilizer.

In optical devices such as lasers or LED lights, it is used because of its infrared and UV transmission.

Especially for technical devices, a real gem is usually too valuable. Therefore, it is also produced synthetically.

It is best to remove the dust with a fine brush or a soft cloth. If water is used, care should be taken to use as little mineral as possible in order to avoid lime scale deposits. Household cleaners or chemical cleaning agents are generally to be kept away from blue stone and gemstones. They can damage the delicate sapphire. It is best not stored in direct sunlight.

Green Sapphire Stone and Wealth

Green Sapphire mostly affects your emotional life, but with the effect on the emotional life money and prosperity will come along.

Green Sapphire Stone and Zodiac

In ancient Egypt, priests wore amulets to ward off evil and strengthen the spirit. Wisdom and knowledge was attributed to him by the Romans and Greeks. Also for medical applications he was and is a popular gemstone. Like many other gems, sapphire is said to possess energies that are transmitted to humans. The Green gem, which is an important mainstay for the Pisces star, expresses love and longing.

The color green indicates everything that is durable and reliable. The stone of faithfulness, love and chastity should also give peace. He offers protection against infidelity, hate and fright. Rulers, sovereigns and priests from earlier times carried in as a talisman with them.

Green Sapphire Stone and Chakras

The Green sapphire stone is linked to the Zodiac sing Virgo.

How to Purify Green Sapphire Stone

Over time, sapphire loses energy and strength. Cleaning involves three different operations: unloading, cleaning, and charging. Unloading removes the bad influences and properties of the gemstone from the gem so that it can work again. Especially with direct body contact creates a static charge that cannot be eliminated again with water alone. The gemstone is unloaded with hematite tumbled stones, in which it is best placed overnight.

Thus, information that the stone has picked up and stored while wearing is deleted.

The very strong stone needs a regular discharge and cleaning. The targeted charging strengthens the energies and thus the healing effects of the gemstone. The stone is most gently charged when it is placed in sunlight at sunrise and sunset. A rock crystal supports the charging process. The sunlight has the optimal quality for charging when we can see people directly in the sun.

The lunchtime is therefore not suitable because the quality of light is rather unloading. Heat, like body heat, intensifies the effect of the stones. To ensure that the stone radiates its effect and its positive properties as long as possible, proper care is required.


This beautiful stone might just be what you needed in life. The gemstone unfolds its optimal effect when it is placed directly on the affected area of ​​the body.

Also as a piece of jewelry such as worn in the form of a chain directly on the body, he transmits his energies.

It is particularly effective when it is visibly worn on the neck, as it gratefully absorbs the power of the sun.

As a gemstone water or essence, he passes his aspects very well. So, wear it always on your body and feel its powerful effects on your soul.

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