The ruby has a twin brother, the sapphire, which also belongs to the group of corundum. He has the same crystal shape, but he has a warm, blue color.
The colorless, red, orange-yellow and green corundum is also called sapphire and even the violet is so called, although it is very rare.
The real sapphire, however, is sky blue, it has the blue of the bright summer sky, always happy to carry the golden flame of the sun. Its name comes from the Greek, where sapphire means blue.
Also he was recognized around the year 1800 as the gemstone form of the group of Corundum.
The orange-yellow sapphire is called Padparadscha, which means Sinhalese lotus flower. The sapphire can also boast a bright star, which is a treasured treasure. He is more common than the ruby.
Therapeutically, the sapphire has a different effect than the ruby, but you could actually say that it is its counterpart and finally achieved almost the same as the ruby. Both are chosen by the gods, who are happy about their qualities.
Sapphire, according to ancient traditions, is an erotic stone that invokes sensory emotions and influences feelings. This is why it is emphatically stated that the sapphire must have a warm blue with a tender red luster. He, like the ruby, must have a faint blue shine. In both there is something of the sunrise, and you can see the lively play of a flame fire.
Symbolism and Meaning
The meaning of precious stones between ancient beliefs and modern symbols continues to attract the attention of many people. Since ancient times precious stones have represented much more than their exterior appearance due to their highly symbolic value. In all cultures the name and meaning of the gems have a meaning that goes beyond appearance.
These are often rare and precious stones, certainly not for everyone, a symbol of power and strength. Royals and principles of every culture have shown them off for centuries and even today the gift of a jewel is something that goes beyond mere gesture. Donating a ring to one’s love, for example, is a way to express one’s feelings: let’s see what the meanings of the most loved precious stones are.
Let’s start with those that are also defined by gemologists “precious stones” for their properties, characteristics and history: diamond, ruby, emerald and sapphire.
The name sapphire comes originally from the Greek – “sappheiros” means something like “love for Saturn”. One of the strongest properties of sapphire is its chemical resistance.
Therefore, this gem melts only at an incredible temperature of 2040 ° C, also the sapphire is acid insoluble. Because of these special, resistant properties, sapphire is already assigned to Saturn in ancient Indian astrology. At that time, the mystical meaning of the stone was also highly valued.
Sapphires have been used in past cultures to worship deities, who have been credited with having a special influence on the history of humanity, often as a symbol of magic. Since the early middle Ages, every cardinal has been wearing a sapphire on his blessing hand.
In the middle Ages, the sapphire was associated with values like loyalty, love and chastity like no other gem, and was a popular symbol of power for kings and emperors.
General Properties
Sapphires can also be made synthetically – in any color and just about any shape and size. Mostly the gemstone is used as a gem stone. But sapphire is also important in many other areas. Because thanks to its special properties – he is z. B. very hard, scratch-resistant, thermally conductive and translucent – it also offers completely different uses
In ancient times, the kings wore it as a jewel and protective stone, in the Middle Ages Hildegard von Bingen described the sapphire, its effect and applications more precisely. Sapphire has been used as a healing stone for centuries and until today it is one of the most important healing stones of all time.
The blue sapphire stands for peace and quiet, he soothes the mind and gives serenity. It strengthens the nerves, has a relaxing effect and can help us to counter the adversities of everyday life with more self-restraint. The sapphire gives new willpower and stamina, lets us pursue our goals more stubbornly. It makes you more focused and focused, takes away our doubts and worries. He can also alleviate exam anxiety and learning difficulties by providing mental clarity. His energy makes it easier to self-confidently assert oneself and to live self-determined.
The strongest effect of the sapphire on the throat chakra. If the sapphire is applied as a healing stone on the neck or worn around the neck as a gemstone, it provides for example for hoarseness, sinus or sinusitis for a quick relief. Even with problems with teeth and gums or even thyroid dysfunctions, the healing stone has a positive effect.
Large sapphires are rare and often attract fame and legend. The largest star sapphire is the star of India with an amazing 536 carats. The Star of India, discovered about three hundred years ago in Sri Lanka, was purchased by financier J.P. Morgan donated to the Natural History Museum of America. Later, notorious burglar Jack Murphy, Murph the Surf, stole the stone. That he was found again two months later further added to his fame.
The 423-carat Logan sapphire is featured in the Natural History Museum at the Smithsonian Institute. He is the largest faceted sapphire publicly on display, and perhaps the largest known blue sapphire. Sri Lanka’s eight pillow-cut stone is set in a brooch and surrounded by 16 carat diamonds. He was donated to the Smithsonian Institute in 1960 by Ms. A. Logan.
Other famous sapphires include the Midnight Star, a 116-karat black star sapphire. The intense blue 330-karat star of Asia can be seen in the Natural History Museum of America. The English crown jewels also contain two famous sapphires, namely the St. Edwards sapphire and the Stuart sapphire (104 carats).
Love and Relationships
The Pink Sapphire stone does affect your emotions and your relationships. This stone helps you to get on better terms with your partner and start trusting each other more.
Health Benefits
The sapphire has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, especially when we are under stress. In addition, the sapphire is considered not only a stone of loyalty, but also the devotional love that connects two people on both physical and mental level – which is why the sapphire gemstone is particularly popular with lovers of love.
He also promotes a peaceful and contented attitude and protects us from negative emotions from the outside: such as envy, greed or hatred.
It is available in all sorts of colors, it is used in various fields and has been known for thousands of years for its protective and healing properties – the sapphire. Already since the middle Ages one knows about his ability to strengthen the nerves and calm the mind. Here you will learn everything worth knowing about the gemstone sapphire, its effect and its meaning.
The sapphire belongs to the same mineral family as the ruby, namely to the group of corundum – in contrast to the (red) ruby but the sapphire can have very different colors or colorless. Depending on which substances prevail in the respective gemstone, it is colored differently. For example, if it contains only iron ions, it appears greenish; with titanium ions rather pink – and if it contains iron, titanium and cobalt ions, it is bluish. Other compositions provide, for example, a violet or orange color. The classic sapphire has the color blue.
Even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew and appreciated the sappheiros or the sappirus, the sapphire. It should be noted that until the 13th century the name sapphire was common to all blue gemstones, but especially to the lapis lazuli.
Today, sapphires are mined mainly in India and Sri Lanka – the latter are the highest on the market. However, the gemstone was also found in the United States of America, Australia, Nigeria and Madagascar.
It can also help with tension in the cervical spine and neck. A yellowish sapphire performs best on the forehead chakra. There he helps against migraines, headaches, runny nose, eye problems or sinusitis. Hormonal disorders are attenuated and glandular function regulated in the body. Green sapphires are assigned to the heart chakra. There, they have a positive effect on high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, asthma, allergies and circulatory disorders.
The sapphire helps against eye problems (eye inflammation, cataract), inflammation in general, headaches, stress, nervous, and sleep and thyroid problems, even against anger and negative energies.
It is also said to relieve pain in the liver, bile, kidneys, stomach and intestines, to help blood disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, and to strengthen the spleen. It is said that sapphire reduces fever and helps with brain and nervous diseases. Also support the sapphire the faster healing effect in kidney diseases, metabolic and hormonal disorders. It is also used for early aging.
The sapphire brings concentration and straightforwardness, directing the thoughts to set goals and mobilizing our brainpower to reach them as well. He makes self-critical and promote the desire for knowledge and wisdom, help with delusions and make sober and clear. He also helps to reduce stress symptoms.
Pink Sapphire Stone and Wealth
The Pink Sapphire stone doesn’t have an effect on your financial situation.
Pink Sapphire Stone and Zodiac
The sapphire is the birthstone for people born in September. As far as the zodiac is concerned, it is considered a stone for the bull. When a bull is wearing a sapphire, it protects against mental illnesses and heals them.
The sapphire works best on the throat chakra. On the astrological level, he is assigned the star sign Capricorn, Sagittarius and Pisces. In particular its effect in the gemstone water has a very strengthening effect. To enjoy their blue companion for as long as possible, sapphire should be cleaned under running water at least once a month or unloaded with hematite tumbled stones. And rock crystal is ideal for recharging a sapphire.
Pink Sapphire Stone and Chakras
The strongest effect of the sapphire on the throat chakra. If the sapphire is applied as a healing stone on the neck or worn around the neck as a gemstone, it provides for example for hoarseness, sinus or sinusitis for a quick relief.
Even with problems with teeth and gums or even thyroid dysfunctions, the healing stone has a positive effect.
It can also help with tension in the cervical spine and neck. A yellowish sapphire performs best on the forehead chakra. There he helps against migraines, headaches, runny nose, eye problems or sinusitis.
Hormonal disorders are attenuated and glandular function regulated in the body. Green sapphires are assigned to the heart chakra. There, they have a positive effect on high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, asthma, allergies and circulatory disorders.
How to Purify Pink Sapphire Stone
To enjoy their blue companion for as long as possible, sapphire should be cleaned under running water at least once a month or unloaded with hematite tumbled stones. And rock crystal is ideal for recharging a sapphire.
Sapphire is generally purer than ruby. Look around for crystal clear stones. This means that the naked eye cannot perceive inclusions.
However, extremely fine silk in the stone can increase the value of certain sapphires. The famous cashmere sapphires have a velvety blue color attributed to this fine silk.
This silk is a prerequisite for the star effect in the star sapphire, but too much silk weakens the color and gives the stone an undesirable gray tone.
The sapphire promotes digestion and helps with heart disease, moreover, it is good for the eyes, especially in inflammation. Sapphire regenerates man, that is, he restores his inner peace and shields him against the melancholy and bites of scorpions and snakes.
He does not quickly transmit the strength of the wearer, he must wear it for a long time on the bare skin, before he can experience the rest-giving power of the stone. If you place it on a pimple, it will heal quickly. He is almost as hard as the diamond (grade 9), which testifies to his resilience.
Just like the ruby, he also plays with the number 6 (crystal form) and the number 9 (hardness). These are the numbers of choice and hermit in Tarot.
He is a stone of principled determination, calmness and, above all, spiritual Eros. Eros is the primordial force that orders the “chaos”. Plato understands Eros as the quest for the higher and the eternal given to man by the gods.