Mother of Pearl Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties

The building block of pearls is mother-of-pearl – a combination of the calcareous mineral aragonite and conchiolin (short: Conchin or Conchyn), an organic material that “cement” the aragonite crystals together. The mineral aragonite crystallizes after the orthorhombic crystal system. The corresponding crystals can be prismatic, needle-like or tabular.

In the case of pearls, the aragonite crystals are tabular, which finds expression in the structure of beads. Layer by layer, the finest, tabular platelets of aragonite are deposited around each other and held together with the protein Conchin. Mother-of-pearl shells are found in both fresh and seawater, yet they differ in terms of genus.

Perl shells of the genus Pinctada live in seawater, while the genus Hyriopsis is found in the freshwater area and the genus Margartifera is occasionally found as a river pearl mussel in rivers.

However, freshwater pearl mussels have become rare. Even if 100 years ago, margaritifera mussels were native to some rivers in Saxony and Bavaria, the pearl producers, who grow up to 280 years old, disappear more and more. The cause: The change in living conditions: above all the pollution of running waters.

But pearl shells in the oceans or lakes of the world are sensitive beings. Shells need oxygen, certain water temperatures and food. At the same time mussels are on the menu of many famous restaurants around the world.

In today’s text, we are going to discover the secret world of Mother Pearl stone and what kind of effect it has on us.

Symbolism and Meaning

Hardly a “gem” should be copied as often as a pearl. The solid, almost always round body of mother of pearl grows in shells and has great importance in the jewelry industry. The importance of pearls, however, was proven thousands of years ago, as a grave gift about 5000 years BC. Christ or traditions from around 2200 BC clearly prove.

The importance and esteem of pearls has been common throughout antiquity, including Persia and India. It is also proven that Romans and Greeks also rated pearls as highly sought after. The “fruits of the sea” are extremely symbolic: they stand in China as a sign of wisdom, dignity and prosperity, in Japan for happiness and in India for children’s wealth. In addition, the pearl is always a symbol of tears.

The biggest finds of real pearls in the past centuries were Russia. Other countries where natural pearls are found are Japan and China, Burma and Australia, Polynesia and Sri Lanka. There are also sites in the Gulf of Mexico, Europe, the Caribbean and the Persian Gulf.

The pearls arise naturally, but this is not completely clear. There used to be a belief that a grain of sand that had penetrated the shell would develop into a shell, but this is largely discarded scientifically today.

Today’s researchers have come up with the theory that epithelial cells are dragged into the depths of the mussel by boring parasites and forming cysts there. The pearl itself is made of calcium carbonate, the material of the shell that forms a pearl layer by layer.

The crystalline structure of the pearl consists to about 90% of calcium carbonate, the so-called aragonite. Pearls are more resistant than mother of pearl and have a hardness of 3.5 to 4. Because they grow in layers, a severed bead has a similar grain to a tree disk. The special feature of a pearl, its luster (chandelier), results from light reflection and refraction at the water molecules in the material.

As these water components can literally dry out, the pearl ages. Depending on the habitat and water temperature of the shell, the color of the pearl changes. It can be white but also yellow, pink or gray. If the pearl is processed, it can be dyed in all colors.

However, the pearl is neither resistant to alkalis nor to acids and does not tolerate much heat. The pearls are available in black, green, and blue and red as well as yellow and white.

The pearl supposedly has a positive effect on the life experience. It helps to deal better with problems and reveals traumas. With the help of a pearl you can deal better with disappointments and grief. Contrary to all other healing stones, Hildegard von Bingen was not convinced of the healing power of pearls, as they are produced by an animal that they believe feeds on debris.

A pearl is said to promote spiritual growth. In addition, pearl necklaces should increase the intuition and warn of dangers. The pearl looks especially good on the solar plexus chakra. They are also suitable for meditation, as they purify the soul.

As the main stone, the pearl accompanies the cancer-born. The stone should protect against depression and have a balancing effect. The black pearl is associated with Capricorn and enhances his wealth of experience.

The pearls are irreplaceable for the jewelry industry. Because they are copied many times, there are several guidelines. As a real pearl, therefore, only those may be called, which are grown completely natural.

There are also the terms “oriental pearl” or natural pearl. When a pearl is put into the shell body by humans, where it grows and can finally be removed, these are called “cultured pearls” or “cultured pearls”. Under these circumstances, the pearl needs two to three years to grow.

To use them as a pearl, there are some criteria of judgment. This is above all the shape, the size and the luster, color and type, surface quality and strength of the mother-of-pearl. Most important for the price are chandeliers and surface quality. To judge this, a pearl is examined in daylight on a gray background.

In addition to the spherical shape elliptically grown pearls are known, but they are also drop-shaped, oval and slender or elongated (baroque). The perfectly spherical ones are the most sought after. The size refers to the average diameter. The weight is given in carat or grain, grain or momma.

To act as a healing stone, you have to wear a pearl necklace for a long time on the skin. It can also help to loosen up pearls. But especially with pearls, it is customary to wear them in the form of jewelry. Especially as chains or bracelets, they are very popular.

However, this is not a very cheap pleasure, because jewelry with real pearls can cost up to several hundred thousand euros, because only a perfect natural pearl beats with up to 50,000 € to book. Pearl jewelry is best kept in cotton wool so that the jewelry is neither too exposed to sunlight nor can it get any scratches.

Caution is advised with creams and perfume, etc., as such materials can discolor the pearl. Pearls are currently in again – they are worn in several long chains on top of each other, where fashion jewelry is the ideal option.

General Properties

Pearls are made in “mother-of-pearl”, shells that form their inner shell of mother-of-pearl. It is believed that the formation of the pearl is due to a defense reaction of the shell. Foreign bodies irritate the animal, whereupon it gradually surrounds the intruder with the same material from which it forms its shell. With mother of pearl.

Whether this reaction is triggered by a grain of sand or a parasite is still controversial. In history, this gem has played a very special role. The first traditions come from China, where it is still a symbol of wisdom, dignity and wealth. In the Arab world, it was first used as a cure and was considered an aphrodisiac and as a remedy for melancholy or madness. In Japan, she meant happiness, and in India, she was rich in children. In the Christian Middle Ages, one saw in her a symbol of love for God, which was even mentioned in the Bible.

In the revelation of John, pearls formed the twelve city gates of the Jerusalem city wall. Even Hildegard von Bingen described in the Middle Ages the healing effects of pearls in fever and headache. Even today, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo admires the pearl necklace of the Persian king Achaemenes, which he left to history 4,000 years ago. The name origin of the pearl is unclear today. The ancient Greeks called them “margarita”, which in turn should have that name from the Persians.

There pearls were called “Morvarid” (child of the light), because they were created after an Old Persian myth by conversion of a dewdrop in the moonlight. The Romans took over the Greek name and transferred it in addition to their lover. In this way, today’s name Margareta formed. Nowadays pearls are sometimes artificially bred to meet the enormous demand.

The pearl is one of the most important healing stones of all. An overview and description of the most important gems can be found in the article “Top Healing Stones”. In our comprehensive gem encyclopedia, even more than 400 healing stones are captured with images that can be searched by color, origin, effect, meaning, zodiac sign, etc.

Love and Relationships

The Mother of Pearl stone has a strong effect on your emotions and can help you find happiness where you no longer felt there was any.

This applies to your relationship as well, so make sure to keep this stone close to you or simply gift it to the person you love.

Health Benefits

The pearl is an organic gem and is shaped by living organisms. Since ancient times, it has been used for the production of high-quality jewelry. One of the most famous pearls is “La Peregrina”, which was found on the Panamanian Pacific coast in the 16th century and was popular in the European royal houses for its exquisite beauty – among other things, it found its way to the legendary Tudors, Queen Victoria and Napoleon III. Another mythical pearl is the black Azra, which is at the center of a valuable chain of Russian crown jewels.

It is believed that pearlescent shells in sweet and salt water form layered layers of mother-of-pearl at injury sites layer by layer. Depending on the origin, the color of the opaque beads may vary. Gray, black or dark green, but also pink and purple pearls are led as Tahiti pearls and grow mainly in French Polynesia. South Sea pearls from the ocean region of the same name have in most cases a white, silvery or golden color. Other variants of the organic gemstone may be brown, yellow, orange or multi-colored.

The origin of the pearls decisively influences their quality and their value. Strictly speaking, only pearls that are grown naturally without human intervention and have been recovered by divers are allowed to be considered “natural”.

Since this technique was already widespread in antiquity in ancient Persian Gulf since ancient times, correspondingly recovered pearls are also called Orient pearls. These natural pearls are especially valuable. Beads grown on mussel beds are called cultured pearls. Today, most of the pearls come from breeding, mainly found in China, Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan, as well as in Australia.

Many coveted myths surround the coveted pearls all over the world. A legend from Polynesia says that Oro, the god of peace and fruitfulness, descended upon a rainbow and down to the earth to hand over a pearl to the beloved and beautiful princess of the island of Bora-Bora.

In the ancient Asian religions, the pearl was one of the nine holy gems, dying emperors in China a pearl was put into the mouth. The ancient Romans considered the pearls to be particularly valuable and caused by law that the beautiful gemstones could only be worn by senior persons.

Popular beliefs assume that the dream of a pearl indicates the future meeting of trusted friends. Since ancient times, the pearl has been associated with trust and friendship, as well as honesty and loyalty. Pearls can help with inner conflicts and have a positive impact on satisfaction. They are faithful companions in the processing of life experiences.

Mother of Pearl Stone and Wealth

The Mother of Pearl stone is a powerful stone that can help you find prosperity and happiness through business and investments. Keep this stone close in all important business meetings.

Mother of Pearl Stone and Zodiac

As a horoscope stone, the pearl is assigned the star sign Cancer and Capricorn as a lucky stone. The Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) is firm and deeply rooted and has a strong need for security. His imagination likes to deal with mystical and irrational thoughts.

The realistic side of the cancer needs the harmonizing green stones. For the vitality the orange stones and for the strong imagination the dazzling stones.

Mother of Pearl Stone and Chakras

A pearl is said to promote spiritual growth. In addition, pearl necklaces should increase the intuition and warn of dangers. The pearl looks especially good on the solar plexus chakra.

They are also suitable for meditation, as they purify the soul.

How to Purify Mother of Pearl Stone

To clean the Mother of Pearl stone, simply put it under running lukewarm water and wash away the dirt from the surface.


The larger the pearl, the greater its value – in the cultured pearls, the South Sea pearls are considered the largest. The surface of a good pearl should be smooth and silky, which also breaks the light very beautiful.

A quality feature is also the bore, which must not have damaged the mother of pearl. Besides, she has to be perfectly centered. Almost all pearls used today in the jewelry industry are cultured pearls.

Pearls that do not meet the requirements are shredded in the pearl farm. The powder is used in the cosmetics industry. Of course, the pearls are also found in handicrafts. Such can be seen in the treasury of the residence in Munich or in the monastery Ebstorf in the Lüneburg Heath.

Hopefully you were able to find answers to the questions you have been looking for, and that you learned some interesting facts about the Mother of Pearl stone.

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